When we ordain a new elder or deacon at my church, a substantial proportion of the congregation gets into the act. We have the custom
Her picture hangs on the wall of my office–as she was as a young WAVE cryptographer during World War II. In profile, her upturned face
Chadwick Ray acknowledges the growing income disparity in the United States but wonders, citing Paul, if the Christian qualities of piety are not “indifferent to
“God is not a Democrat or a Republican.” One in five students receiving a diploma at Calvin College this past May wore these words somewhere
The movie Sideways, winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globes this year, leaves viewers laughing so hard they cry. Some of the tears flow
It’s astonishing to me that such a wide range of products can be obtained with money. I don’t enjoy paying bills any more than anyone
How might we negotiate the issue of homosexuality while holding to a traditional Christian sexual ethic amidst ecclesiological chaos and fragmentation? How can we advocate
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