The last weeks of the Trump administration were hard on the reputation of Abraham Kuyper. Jim Bratt, Kuyper's biographer, considers how Kuyper is being appropriated and concludes that in the Reformed tradition, Abraham Kuyper is too valuable to surrender.
The theologian and the musician in Bonhoeffer continuously interacted – not only in the sense that his theology informed his musical judgments, but also that his musical knowledge and sensibilities helped him to think through and express some of his most significant theological ideas.
As Sophie and I were painting and chatting she paused with paintbrush in hand and asked, “What does being a Christian mean to you”? It was such a basic question, yet it caught me off-guard.
To start the story with inherent goodness (that has been forgotten) would mean that the story is not about making our badness good, but about remembering who we are.
These breakthroughs in reconciliation happen because Muslims and Christians have taken the time to walk together and accompany each other along the road of reconciliation to a new place.