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You Can’t Go Home Again

I look forward to joining the old and the new and healing some of the pain of the intervening years, remembering that life is filled with highs and lows and change, but in the end there is hope—a hope that isn’t dependent on a changing world, but on a God who never changes.
August 21, 2023

It Was Jesus Who Came and Got Me

In many faith stories, there is often a “come to Jesus” moment, when the person realizes that they need Christ in a way they never appreciated before. My story isn’t like that. In my case, it was Jesus who came and got me.
July 31, 2023

Nourishing Narratives: The Power of Story to Shape our Faith

Thinking through narrative is Jesus’ primary pedagogical mode: a man goes on a journey, a woman searches for a coin, a son goes astray, a servant makes a bad investment. Whatever the perspective, there is ample evidence that societal attitudes—on whatever issue, whether toward smoking or politics, war or sexuality—are affected more by story than by law. Thus, stories both encourage and constrain us, depending on our ability to critically interpret and respond to these narratives.
July 10, 2023
American HistoryChurch HistoryFeatured

Slavery and the Difficulty of Interpreting the Bible

When I listen to fellow pastors and church members say to me, “The Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is very clear about same-sex relationships,” I hear echoes of the way many cited scripture to justify slavery. This has caused me to revisit my own plain and literal reading of the Bible. To do so is not to be lost in the sea of relativism, nor a failure of moral formation, nor a failure to take the Bible seriously, nor a…
July 3, 2023