Whether you love the Canons, are deeply suspicious of them, or would rather not have to think about them at all, everyone will gain something from the background that Heideman provides, his explanation of the Articles, and how he questions and expands upon them.
Suzanne McDonaldFebruary 28, 2024
Roger starts every scripture reading with, “Listen, then, for the voice of God,” and in summation of his twenty years of preaching, that is both what he has been doing and what he invites us to do.
Taylor HolbrookFebruary 21, 2024
Everything that rises must converge; or rocket in reverse. I ruminate, lifting fallen coleslaw.
Josiah A. R. CoxFebruary 20, 2024
I find her vision of our relationship with technology to be remarkably hopeful. The way that she describes the need for a balanced connection with tech, and the process of getting there, evokes the language of brokenness and redemption. Importantly, though, this redemption is not far-off; it is something we can work towards today, in small measured steps.
Landon Van BerkumFebruary 14, 2024
At its core, this is what the book is: a testament to the power of tikkun olam, the kind of large-hearted living that repairs a fractured world.
Jared AyersFebruary 7, 2024