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Batter my boat Wide-spread Water
make your breakers shake my hull
& threaten to capsize me Push
my bow & blow me back

attack me broadside with your
whipping wind bend
my ambivalence into passionmend
my apathy so my heart is full

& don’t let me defend
my indefensible complacency
through foolish reason
Knock me overboard into depths

too great for me so I am so thrown
upon your mercy that as you drag my
drenched form onto your rocky beach
I will know that you are good

Hear D.S. Martin talk about this poem on the Reformed Journal Podcast:

Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

D.S. Martin

D.S. Martin is the author of five poetry collections, including Angelicus (2021), Ampersand (2018), and Conspiracy of Light: Poems Inspired by the Legacy of C.S. Lewis (2013) — all from Cascade Books. He is Poet-in-Residence at McMaster Divinity College, the Series Editor for the Poiema Poetry Series. He and his wife live in Brampton, Ontario; they have two adult sons.


  • Laurie Klein says:

    This ardent cry stirs my soul! Thank you, D.S., for daring to pen utter surrender, come what may.

    (As a side note, the recurring “en” sound that rings through the poem made me curious about the letter’s origins. How aptly your sonic choice suits your subject! One online source cites the energy of the letter N, which resonates with rich imagination, focused curiosity, and adventure.)

  • Susan says:

    “so I will know that you are good.” AMEN AMEN. The depths He goes to, to get us there…is nearly unfathomable. I call this a necessary poem….