In this Lenten devotional, Gayle Boss aims to awaken us to the interconnections between our existence and that of our fauna kin.
Sara Sanchez-TimmerMarch 10, 2021
Fallowing soil is a method of sustainable land management used by farmers for centuries and a way of thinking about the work the heart requires.
Marilyn McEntyreMarch 9, 2021
Due in large part to the continued media attention given to creationists and their agenda, Christianity is sometimes thought of as anti-science and very dogmatic. However, Finding Ourselves After Darwin, shatters this stereotype as the authors discuss many different viewpoints and perspectives on Christian theology, which are all supportive and accepting of modern evolutionary biology. The ideas presented in the book can open up new discussions on topics that Christians have dealt with for centuries and demonstrates two major points.…
Jared LeeJuly 15, 2020 We live in suspicious times. I wore a mask during my most recent trip to the grocery store. As I was checking out, I noticed an unmasked woman glaring at me. No words were exchanged, and yet I got the distinct feeling that she was saying something like: “oh, so you’re one of them.” It is entirely possible that I misread her body language, or that I was feeling overly sensitive, or that she was the one feeling judged…
Justin BaileyJune 18, 2020 On March 27, the New York Times reported that although in some respects COVID-19 was uniting Americans in a common experience, it was also exposing fractures in our society: “A kind of pandemic caste system is rapidly developing: the rich holed up in vacation properties; the middle class marooned at home with restless children; the working class on the front lines of the economy, stretched to the limit by the demands of work and parenting, if there is even…
Cambria Janae KaltwasserJune 17, 2020