Release (Metaphysicals XV)
If when the end has ended & allthat’s been running down begins to rewinduntil each beginning has once more begunimaginethe mountains grown taller more jaggedthe
If when the end has ended & allthat’s been running down begins to rewinduntil each beginning has once more begunimaginethe mountains grown taller more jaggedthe
I was 7 and riding the school bus hometo the trailer we lived in back then.My chubby, right cheek was pressed against the cool glass window when a
From the falling formof an intricate vase,water was freed,each flowing cluster and dropa complexity of light,color and motionspilling excitedly through the airamidst one vivid yellow
I can only wonderat this blurredwhir of evidence, cloudedin the blue fanof a thousandwings. I wantto feeltheir million beatsper second on my beardand lashes,reelfrom each
When God wanted to speak,God’s mountain goat jawbone locked shut,so God leapt silentlyrock to rock, appearing at timesto sidle up a sheer vertical cliff. A
Batter my boat Wide-spread Watermake your breakers shake my hull& threaten to capsize me Pushmy bow & blow me back attack me broadside with yourwhipping
1. Everything that rises must converge;or rocket in reverse. I ruminate, lifting fallen coleslaw.By this very retrieval I learn an equal, alternative law:All that descends
If tonight were the world’s last nightmight I spend it striking the anvilof rhetoric to prod wanderers tobecome insiders?Might I pester God to open hisdoors
Obscurely yet surely backyard birdssimple & further from corruption withthe wonder of wings call us to praise A sparrow caught & fluttering in themechanism of
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