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In his speech to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina declared to broad approval, “The devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle, but the American lion got back up on his feet.” Scott then roared into the microphone. His remarks formed the backdrop to Donald Trump’s appearance at the convention with his bandaged right ear, the result of the attack on his life in Pennsylvania not long before.

Watching those events on television caused this Reformed Christian to turn to the work known as the Revelation to John, the last book of the Christian Bible. The first ten verses of chapter 13 contain a vision of a grotesque seven-headed beast whose mouth was like that of a lion. To this beast Satan, here called “the dragon,” gave “his power and his throne and great authority.” One of the heads of this beast “seemed to have a mortal wound,” inflicted by a sword. The wound was not actually fatal, but “was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with amazement” as a result. In fact, people went and “worshiped” both the beast and the dragon. To worship the beast is to worship the Satanic power behind the beast. Are there lessons to be drawn here about Donald Trump and his MAGA movement? I think so.

The beastly figure of Revelation 13 is commonly known in Christian tradition as an antichrist, which is someone who puts himself in Christ’s place, thereby actually becoming Christ’s opponent. For John, the seer who composed Revelation, the beast and its heads symbolized the Roman Empire and its emperors. Revelation was probably written when Domitian was the emperor; he reigned from 81–96 AD. Domitian posed a danger to the faith of Christians because he had pretentions to deity and demanded the appropriate public recognition of his divine status, with dire consequences for those who refused, particularly in Asia Minor where the seven churches addressed by the book (1:11) were located. Many faithful Christians did refuse, and they suffered persecution as a result (6:9).

Figures analogous to Domitian have made their appearance in world history, even if the book of Revelation did not have them specifically in view and even if the correspondence between them and the beast is not exact in many details. The first letter of John refers to “many antichrists” (2:18). What all these figures have in common is that they pose a diabolical temptation for Christians who want to remain faithful to Jesus, the Lord who alone suffered and died for them. In my view, Donald Trump is arguably a contemporary version of such an antichrist (it would do him too much honor to call him the Antichrist). Let me explain.

Some of the points of correspondence between the beast in Revelation 13 and Donald Trump are probably purely coincidental or merely suggestive, such as the nearly fatal head wound that healed. Others are more substantial and worthy of further reflection. According to Revelation 13, for example, “the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words.” It uttered “blasphemies against God.” Haughty and blasphemous words have arguably come from Trump’s mouth and those of his supporters, with claims that he stands in a special relationship with God who protects him from all harm. Trump and his supporters have likened him to the suffering and persecuted Jesus. Trump openly panders to Christian voters with lies (“I love Christians, I am a Christian,” he said at a recent event for conservative Christians in Florida). The former president has promoted and basked in a personality cult, expecting total fealty in word and deed from his followers, inevitably at the expense of the kind of loyalty his Christian supporters owe to Christ alone. This should trouble any Christian with the mind of Christ.

In Revelation 13, the people worshiping the beast explain their loyalty by asking rhetorically, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” The answer on both counts of course is: “no one.” Today, Republican officials, such as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and former Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina, rationalize their fealty to Trump in a similar way. They effectively ask themselves, “Who is like Trump, and who can oppose him and survive politically?” The answer for any politically ambitious Republican is: No one. They regard resistance to him as futile, and dangerous to their political careers. By voicing support for him, they reinforce his divine pretensions, giving them legitimacy, authority, and power. Those officials who do have the courage to refuse to give him the total loyalty he demands can expect exclusion, contempt, and vicious attacks on social media from him and his fanatically loyal base. Ask Republicans such as former Vice President Mike Pence or former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, and numerous other conservative Republicans, many of them also conservative Christians, who have dared to stand up to him and call him out for his demonstrable lies, his serial adultery, his crass materialism, his cruel and abusive language, his bullying tactics, his self-absorption, and his criminal behavior. He has exhibited contempt not only for the laws of the land and the Constitution but also for the teachings of Jesus. That should trouble every Christian with the mind of the real Christ.

Interestingly, Revelation 13 also contains a vision of a second beast, which provides another revealing analogy for Trump and supporters (verses 11–18). This second beast appears on the scene as the defender in word and deed of the first beast. While it had “two horns like a lamb,” it yet “spoke like a dragon,” which is to say, while it looked innocent and harmless, it spoke deceitfully and dangerously. In later passages of Revelation, this second beast is referred to as “the false prophet” (16:13; 19:20; 20:10), someone who leads people astray into the worship of false gods. According to Revelation 13, the second beast “exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.” Modern Republican officials fulfilling an analogous role in our time include people such as Senator Scott of South Carolina, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson of Louisiana, and Senator JD Vance of Ohio, as well as Republican governors such as Ron DeSantis of Florida and Kristi Noem of South Dakota. They shamelessly parrot Trump’s lies in his presence and grovel for his approval.

More troubling for the church is that the list of apologists and grovelers includes ministers of the Word, including those who serve Reformed congregations. In their view Trump is evidently without sin, as Jesus was. Indictments and convictions for criminal activity do not count or matter even if they are formally warranted. Such pastors and like-minded Christians think that they can further the cause of the gospel by making what smacks of a pact with the Devil, something Jesus himself refused to do (Matthew 4:8–10). In doing so, they not only fall into a deceitful trap, betraying their true Lord; they also make Trump the antichrist that he is and wants to be. That should trouble every Christian with the mind of the one and only Christ.

Some of these pastors think that Trump is God’s Anointed as the Persian emperor Cyrus was according to Isaiah 44:28 (“He is my shepherd, and he shall carry out my purpose”) and 45:1 (“Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to subdue nations before him”). In this view Trump serves a larger divine purpose, even if his behavior is morally despicable, shamelessly deceitful, and patently unlawful. Christian pastors who declare Trump to be God’s chosen vessel are actually playing God, doing what only God has a right to do. Yes, God can use evil to accomplish the good but that is God’s prerogative, not ours. As Christians we have no other calling than to be faithful to the gospel of Christ in word and deed.

The second beast of Revelation “deceives those who dwell on the earth,” alarmingly causing those who would not worship the first beast “to be slain.” Trump and his supporters have not gone this far with those who refuse to show the desired homage to the former president, at least not yet. Such a course of action would certainly be as diabolical as the recent attempt to assassinate Trump in Pennsylvania. Murder and attempted murder must be unequivocally rejected and lamented by Christians as contrary to the gospel. The fear that Trump Republicans, or their henchmen, could implement a murderous campaign against their opponents if Trump is re-elected may be misplaced and even paranoid, but one may be permitted to wonder where those who excuse the violent storming of the Capitol on behalf of Trump on January 6, 2021, will stop once they gain access to the levers of power. After all, Trump himself called for the execution of retired General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during Trump’s term as president, because he refused to bow down to Trump and do his will. It is a sign to be taken seriously that in the final month of his term, Trump signed the death warrants for the execution of multiple federal prisoners, something no previous president had done. In his current campaign, he repeatedly expresses his admiration for such murderous figures as Al Capone, Hannibal Lecter, and Vladimir Putin. He has proposed the termination of the constitution with all its fundamental legal protections for all citizens, including, let it be said, Reformed Christians. He has made numerous allusions in interviews and speeches to the use of violence to achieve his ends or to exact retribution. But whatever he himself could or would do as president, Trump may not be able to control the dark forces he has blessed and unleashed. Supporters present at the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania turned to the journalists who were covering the event and said, “You’re next!”  This should trouble every genuine Christian with the mind of Christ.

Finally, it may be noted that the second beast of Revelation 13 causes all people to have the mark of the first beast “on the right hand or on the forehead.” That mark consists of “the name of the beast and the number of its name.” That Trump has his own mark may be coincidental but is still instructive. As everyone knows, it is a red baseball cap with his name or his MAGA slogan clearly visible and prominently displayed on the forehead of the cap’s wearer. Since the assassination attempt, the mark of Trump seems also to be a white bandage, worn not on the right hand but the right ear. Its number is arguably also 666, which is to say an imperfect and diabolical trinity (Satan, Trump, and his false prophets), parodying and replacing the perfect Trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit active in the churches of the saints.

Trump is an antichrist because he seeks to put himself in the place of Christ and because his words and actions are a grotesque and demonic travesty of the real Christ. But there is a further reason that he is an antichrist: There are people, including Reformed Christians, who embrace him as their supposed Messiah, even if they do not all seem to be fully aware that they are doing so. Without their support – their discipleship – Trump would only be an elderly former president who spends his time playing golf in Florida.

As far as this Reformed Christian is concerned, then, Trump and his MAGA movement constitute what Revelation 13 refers to as “a call for the endurance of the saints” (v. 10). These saints, believers loyal to Christ alone, cannot give their support in any shape or form to a manifest antichrist such as Donald J. Trump and his acolytes. It is time for the saints everywhere to stand up and be counted for Christ and to reject his counterfeit.

Martin de Boer

Martin de Boer is a member of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands and has dual citizenship. He has taught New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam.


  • Lisa Vander Wal says:

    Thanks for this.

  • Keith Mannes says:

    Thank you for your courage. I completely agree. Thank you for expressing it so intelligently.

  • Gretchen Torres says:

    Muchas gracias for this article. I wish this article could be translated into Spanish so that all Latinos and Latinas could benefit from it. It is biblical, well-expressed, and eye-opening.

  • Gretchen Torres says:

    This article is great. It should be translated into Spanish so that all Latinos and Latinas can benefit from it. It’s biblical, well-expressed, and eye-opening.

  • Sara Tolsma says:

    We were having this conversation last night after dinner, but you express our thoughts so much better. Thank you!

  • Jean Scott says:

    Thank you for the courage to write this. I have been saying, only to certain people, these same thoughts. I don’t understand how Christians can in any way support such a man. Surely the economy is not as important as electing people who show some integrity rather than one shown to be evil.

  • Jeff Barker says:

    Yes. This.

  • Norm Heersink says:

    Surly you have a recommendation that we should vote for for President. Whom would that be?

  • Dave Timmer says:

    Then the devil led Jesus up to Sioux Center and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said to him, “Christianity will have power. If I’m there, you’re going to have plenty of power, you don’t need anybody else. You’re going to have somebody representing you very, very well. Remember that.”

  • George Vink says:

    Thank you. . needed saying and sharing.

  • David Landegent says:


  • Jan says:

    This should be widely publicized!!

    • Keith Vander Pol says:

      Maybe start with submitting to the CRC Banner for publication?

      • Hi Keith, You certainly got hope! CRC Churches were very strong Trump supporters in Western Michigan and I would imagine in Iowa and Chicago suburbs. The latter was the bastion of racism in the 60’s. The RCA paid the Nothwestern College Choral Readers at that time to develop a message combating racism for their Spring Tour to this area and Western Michigan. We performed in mostly RCA and some CRC churches as well as Hope and Calvin College’s chapels. Some folks literally got up and walked out of the performances. Trump is the gathering force of racists in America. Remember his Cabinet and advisors were mostly conservative white men, not a cross section of America’s reality even in terms of Republicans. Many of them resigned and very few of even these will endorse him. He dwells in a spiritual realm conducive for “The Principalities and Powers of Darkness to” inhabit and reign. Violence and threats of violence are his speech. He simply uses a deluded Christian base as a stepping stone to ultimate power. When was the last He was in Church to worship? He doesn’t even know how to hold a Bible right and when asked in an interview about the Bible couldn’t come up with one Bible verse, no, not even John 3:16 or Psalm 23 most Sunday School kids know by heart. There is only one he worships: “Me, Myself and I!” Just like the dictators in North Korea, Russia, Venezuela and China! These people don’t hesitate to kill perceived political opponents or those who disappoint them in the slightest way!

    • Julia Snodderly says:

      HE WILL PROTECT US ALL & ………….

  • Daniel Meeter says:

    I’ve often wondered about this very thing, whether Trump is best understood is an antichrist. How else to explain his amazing power and support, which defies secular explanation. I don’t have the chops, either exegetically or politically, to determine whether you are right, but neither have I seen a better application of the strange term “antichrist” or a better explanation of Trump’s power and support. It’s definitely spiritual and “religious.”

  • Chuck Vander Sloot says:

    I’ve referred to him as the anti-Christ for several years.

  • Norm Heersink says:

    God will sort this out in his providential handiwork. Who has he chosen to be the next POTUS? I will trust Him.

    • Tony Vis says:

      But, Mr. Heersink, perhaps God intends for us to “sort this out.” Perhaps God is inviting us to look at the character and values of the candidates and make the choice on God’s behalf. Donald Trump has demonstrated his character and expressed his values through words and deeds, rants and lies, betrayals and infidelity his entire adult life. We know who Trump is! But God has given us the image of the ideal person in Jesus. While not looking for perfection, I must reject a candidate who, from what my eyes can see and my ears can hear, stands in stark contrast to what I see and hear in Jesus. Perhaps that is what anti-Christ means.

  • Judie Zoerhof says:

    In the face of all his weirdness, anti social behavior, making fun of the handicapped, ridiculing the men and women of the Armed Forces, etc etc. how does he maintain his power? It has always felt, to me, like there is something evil behind him. i.e. “Selling your soul to the Devil.” Thank you for this. It helps me rationalize.. God is Good. All the time, God is good.

  • Alicia Mannes says:

    Thank you for writing this; you put words to my own thoughts. Thanks, RJ, for publishing it!

  • Lynn Smith says:

    I hope that you will consider voting for Harris in November. If you truly believe that Trump represents the Antichrist, his re-election must be stopped and the most reliable way of doing it will be to vote for Harris. Writing in a friend’s name is not enough, not this year. Your ballot, like mine, is secret, so you need not divulge your decision unless you choose to.

    • Ann Sanchez says:

      I believe and personal belief is that as Christians we should not vote for neither the lesser evil .
      Both are against God ways.God will allow whomever HE chooses to become president to fulfill what HIS word says.He has done it in the days of old by putting Evil men to be kings.
      I cannot ,with a clean conscious vote for the lesser of the 2 evils knowing that it goes against God’s ways..It’s a personal choice. Holy Spirit has already showed me where I should stand and that is with Almighty God; The one one who can truly provide all of my needs.He already has,through the provision of His Son,our Savior Jesus. I will raise my banner for Him and Him alone 🙏♥️.

  • Cory Grimm says:

    I agree with almost everything in this article and applaud its courageous message. However, I feel compelled to point out a few things. First of all two minor points. Though the author begins by directly correlating Trump with the first beast of Revelation, he later explains that the comparison was mainly to get us thinking about how Trump speaks in the same way as the beast. I get that, but nevertheless toying with direct correlations to Revelation makes my spirit bristle in the same way as when Trump and his followers do the same with Scripture. I wish that wasn’t in there. Also, the reference in I John 2 to “other antichrists” is specifically talking about people who step outside the accountability structures of the Church and teach wrong doctrines about Jesus. In that sense any pastor (myself included) is more likely to fall into that category than Trump. If Trump begins trying to share his new takes on Christology, he could fit into this category. He doesn’t seem to be doing that as far as I know.

    Here’s the main point I’d like to make… I don’t think this whole thing is really about Trump. It’s about our failure as Reformed christians. What keeps me up at night is not Trump’s behavior. He’s the same person he’s always been since I first heard about him as a New York party boy when I was a kid in the 80s. What actually disturbs me is wondering how the majority of Reformed believers are attracted to the things Trump is saying, doing, and promising. In other words, it could just have easily been some other hateful, egotistical leader. The point is that this whole phenomenon has revealed there is pent up anger, racism, fear, and a general lack of compassion and love within us, and people like me have utterly failed to disciple folks in the ways of Jesus. We should address the issue of Trump, so this article is helpful, but to me the real issue is what this has brought to light regarding our hearts, our discipleship, and the ways we are falling short of Christ’s example.

  • Keith De Witt says:

    This article is uncalled for and in my eyes embarrassing.
    Good bye Reformed Journal.

    • I agree. I would ask the author about his news sources. Obama was the antichrist figure that people fawned over. The main media has hated Trump for 8 years. This why the left has TDS.
      They miss the big picture. We are fighting those
      who want a global government, economy and religion.

      • Jon Erickson says:

        Good question. Have you asked yourself what ‘news sources’ do you have to posit Obama as Antichrist? I assume you mean the Barack Obama who relinquished his position of power eight years ago when the constitution required it?

      • T Hill says:

        Obama the antichrist? I don’t seem to recall Obama breaking every one of the Ten Commandments and basically being an example of everything the Bible says NOT to be and do and then have the nerve to act like he was entitled to the votes of all religious people. I don’t recall people, especially supposedly good Christians, acting like Obama was chosen by God Himself in order to “save” our country (save us from what I’m still not sure).

        The ones who want a global religion, or at least an official US religion, are the Christian Nationalist Trump supporters, who think that freedom of religion only applies to them and want to forcefully impose their particular, warped version of Christianity (minus everything Jesus actually taught) upon the rest of us.

  • Sheryl Smalligan says:

    Would you elaborate on your comment?

  • Marty Wondaal says:

    Mr. de Boer,

    In your worldview, is Geert Wilders another antichrist?

  • Marty Wondaal says:

    Well, anyway…

    Two Rules of Thumb Regarding Debate:

    1. If you compare your opponent to Hitler, you’ve lost your argument.

    2. If you compare your opponent to the Anti-Christ, you’ve lost your mind.

    Enjoy the debate tonight!

    • David E. Timmer says:

      I for one did enjoy watching that debate, Marty! Even though as a former intercollegiate debater I have a problem with calling it a “debate”; still, it did serve to reveal much about the temperaments of the two candidates. Which one came across as rageful, dystopian, and apocalyptic? Which one recently referred to their opponent as a “Marxist communist fascist socialist”? Which candidate travels with Laura Loomer in their entourage?

  • Alicia says:

    Thank you so much for posting this article. I have felt so grieved in my soul these past few years for the Christians who follow Donald Trump. They simply do not understand what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. They don’t understand the Falling Away and the Great Delusion that is upon them. Everything about Trump screams Antichrist, but they just refuse to listen.

  • Amy Gevakrap says:

    To the author….who are your sources on this article. I personally know pastors that have met and spent time with Mr. Trump in prayer. I think you are trying to stir the pot, and cause problems within the Reformed Church. I think we can agree that Mr. Trump has said things or tweeted things in the past, that should have warranted someone taking his phone away. I also know of a local family, whose 20 year old daughter was out for a run, and did everything right. She told people where she was going, and did it in broad day light. An illegal that had come across the border, brutally raped and killed her. If you want a president that can’t do the job given to her now, then vote Kamala in.

    • T Hill says:

      Sure, you know them, “Give a crap.” Had I caught your fake, joke last name earlier, I wouldn’t have typed such a long response. However, it proves every thing I said. I bet you’re close personal friends, along with the other 10 million people who claim to be their friends or family in BS, lying posts like these. What happened to that girl is a tragedy. Would it be any less of a tragedy if the guy had been a natural born citizen? Would that make you feel better? How about her family? Would they be relieved to know their daughter was killed by an American citizen. Somehow, I doubt they would feel one bit better.

      As for you “personally” knowing pastors who have spent time with Trump, supposedly in prayer, why does that matter? The author makes it very clear that there are clergy who are siding with an obvious false prophet because it fits their political agenda. They are not even trying to hide it. And if there’s anyone who can put on a performance, it’s an evangelical preacher. They know Trump is a heathen, and they just don’t care.

  • Jon Erickson says:

    Why the confusion about ‘sources’? All the quotes are attributed and the only other reference seems to be the Revelation to John. The source of that is the Bible.
    I know a person who is an adjudicated rapist and a 34 time felony fraudster. I don’t know him personally, but I know him well enough to know how foolish I would be to entrust my democratic republic to anyone like him, especially since he has already attempted to overthrow an election he lost.
    I agree that crime is appalling, but the reality is that there is no perfect safety in the world. Until Jesus returns criminals will continue to elude our ability to prevent crimes from occurring. Your anecdote is a single datum and the truth is larger than that.

  • John Vanstaalduinen says:

    Wow, wow, and wow. I hope the bus used to run over Christians does not have a reverse!

  • Jeff Holloway says:

    Really ! Satin sure failed to get him reelected huh. Have you ever heard him speak when he was president about and on what we call Easter? Compare to Biden s empty rhetoric. I’ve heard many to be called antichrist. He is neither against or instead of ! I’ve heard him exalt Christ more than any president s in my lifetime. He also brought many pastors into the WH for prayer . He vowed to protect the church while Biden has allowed an assault on the Church. The president has limited power thanks to our awesome constitution! The media is the real worry says president Nixon years ago. Look what we have now . There’s a reason they fight so hard against him . He disrupts their self serving way of using our polital system to get rich! He’s a true workaholic. He took no salary. He’s an American success story and at 77 never had a single charge against him! Never on drugs no alcohol! Is he perfect ? Of course not . Show me a man that is! Does he study and know the Word ! Most Christians don’t know much don’t study and don’t even support the Church like we should. Look up what he said on the national day of prayer! Compare to Biden words I dare you! He’s anti war that’s for sure and I feel certain an antichrist is all for war ! Wake up people! Most of us understand very little about the book of revelation. Options are endless! Trump is not perfect neither I . I want a safe and prosperous country and it’s sure not going to be under Harris!

  • Anita Frolick says:

    Thank you for the article;) I believe both US political parties are two wings of the same bird. The US has fallen and so has the rest of the world. The powers to be are ushering in the New World Order and there are so many people that cannot see it. We are very close to Christ’s return! God bless you and your family. 🙏🏻

  • Marty Wondaal says:

    To the author (and the RJ Community):

    I know this is old and you’ve moved on…

    Now people have tried to assassinate Trump twice. Will you now triple-down and use this as proof, according to Revelation again, that he REALLY is this Antichrist?

    Or will you grow up and admit that much of what you say about Trump is character assassination and slander, and some of what you say, such as the above article, is enticement for some to do real bad things?

  • Tamara says:

    I must say it saddens me that anyone CHRISTIAN THAT WOULD TAKE THIS PERSON SERIOUS!!! Needs to read REVELATIONS AGAIN AND AGAIN! Donald Trump is the last person to be the Anti Christ! it would be like saying I was…. The real Anti Christ is already in place and has been chosen and has his PEOPLE in place with all this chaos and if any CHRISTIAN knows their Bible and JESUS they know he is of European Decent and NOT FROM HERE!!!!!

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