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meaning click tongue
when crossing the street for joy
of having legs. Release
a sighing hum when plopping
into chair at end of day. Clap
when mail comes just
because. Tell the cat grand
declarations of love
to make a passing stranger
blush. At church, let your bangles
tink and pling on wrist—
a bright percussive praise.
Make of yourself tambourine,
piccolo, gong. Palm
faux leather wheel like a steel
drum. Blast lungfuls
with radio cranked, windows
down, all the way home for no
reason other than you can.

Listen to a conversation about this poem on the Reformed Journal Podcast.

Abigail Carroll

Abigail Carroll is author of Habitation of Wonder (Wipf & Stock) and A Gathering of Larks: Letters to Saint Francis from a Modern-Day Pilgrim (Eerdmans). She serves as arts pastor at a local church in Burlington, Vermont, and enjoys playing Celtic harp.