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For sad people like us

it helps to have pictures—

or rather, new pictures

to displace familiar ones.

Old pictures don’t change.

I once had a picture

of a chicken in mid-flight.

I used to laugh at it.

Now it seems utterly banal

compared to the picture

of you tackling your sister.

In it, you are goofy-gorgeous.

I used to think of life

as an ocean of pictures;

these days I think of it

as a river in linear motion.

Now you have a picture

of me laughing at my picture

of a chicken in mid-flight

and maybe a picture

of me typing this poem.

Where will you put them?

Aaron Belz has published poetry and essays in journals ranging from Boston Review to World Magazine to Books & Culture to the San Francisco Chronicle. His books include The Bird Hoverer (2007), Lovely, Raspberry (2010) and Glitter Bomb (2014). He lives in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

Aaron Belz

Aaron Belz has published four books of poetry, the most recent being Soft Launch (2019). He lives in the City of St. Louis with his wife, journalist Araceli Cruz, and their dog, Wikus.