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The fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure. — Isaiah 33:6

Beyond eager to bear witness to the miracle of compounding, I have deposited,
Lord, my pittance of the fear of the Lord in your interest-bearing account,

knowing the immutable law that, at nine percent, that fear of the Lord shalt double
every eight years, and keep doubling every eight years throughout eternity,

which is a forever of years and a fortune of fear of the Lord, but never close to,
Lord, never one-infinity-of-an-infinitieth of the fear of the Lord that is your due.

Photo by Dmitry Demidko on Unsplash

Bill Stadick

Bill Stadick has published poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction in The Christian CenturyThe WindhoverRelief Journal, The Ekphrastic ReviewFirst Things and other publications. His poetry chapbook, Family Latin, is available from Finishing Line Press and selections of his work appear in two anthologies: In a Strange Land: Introducing Ten Kingdom Poets, available from Wipf and Stock as part of its Poiema Poetry Series and Taking Root in the Heart: A Collection of 34 Poets from The Christian Century, available from Paraclete Press.