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Of Giants and Waves Blog Post

He always told me that the most important thing in working in a hot fight is to recognize that everybody wants to simplify the issues so you have clear reasons for killing each other (spiritually, of course, in most church conflicts). He said that the most important thing one can do is to “complexify things.”

Recovery of Original Sin–An Antidote? Blog Post

This book is a resolute call for the recovery of the doctrine of original sin. As such, it stands more or less in a line with Karl Menninger’s Whatever Became of Sin? (1973) and Neal Plantinga’s Not the Way It’s Supposed To Be: A Breviary of Sin (1995), though curiously neither of these seminal titles is cited in this 2003 publication. And of course, his emphasis on original sin puts him theologically in the good company of Luther, Calvin, Barth,…

To the City and to the World Blog Post

During the great missionary era of the nineteenth century, many servants of God from different denominations went over land and seas to far off places carrying with them the greatest gift they could ever offer to people whom they had never known or seen before, namely, the redeeming and liberating Good News of Jesus Christ. His gospel of the grace and the love of God is found to be so revolutionary and subversive that recently it was reported in the…

Painting the “True Christ?” Blog Post

A Hidden Life is flat-out arresting in multiple ways, a film that clarifies our own daunting time and the toll all manner of life perennially takes on everyone, from migrant poor to besotted privileged. Here, a “real life” peasant couple, devout and resolute, suffer an arduous journey that is at once exhilarating and formidable, ending in the darkest (or perhaps the brightest) of all places.

Curmudgeons: An Apologia Blog Post

In the give and take of any healthy community, you’ll generally find the curmudgeon, the grumpy one on the fringe of the circle. Though we often laugh at their witticisms, we just as often fuss about their cynicisms. “Can’t she see the good in anything?” we say. “Doesn’t he ever do anything but tear down?” But where would we be without the grumpy ones? Bandwagoners abound. Trained by advertisers and public relations professionals, most of us are willingly herded into…

Dr. Ida Blog Post

God unmistakably did call Dr. Ida. Though she was determined not to follow her father and his seven siblings into RCA mission work, determined not to spend her life in “dirty, dusty” India, she found she could do nothing else after being present one night at the successive deaths of three women in childbirth because their husbands refused for cultural and religious reasons to allow male doctors to attend them. As she heard the funeral drums the morning after all three died, she prayed, “God, if You want me to, I will spend the rest of my life in India trying to help these women.”

Gridiron Liturgy Blog Post

I recently went to a professional football game in Kansas City. What struck me most about the whole affair was that for the tens of thousands there it so much seemed an act of worship. In fact, pieces of liturgy were scattered just about everywhere. The climax of the pro football seasons begins in Advent, just like the church year itself, and the playoffs come in Epiphany. Even the anticipatory waiting of Advent was there, stuck as we were in…

Beyond the Hype: The Internet and the Church Blog Post

The Internet: full of promise, full of power. And full of hype. As a Christian pastor and theologian, and, until recently, a technology professional, I am disturbed by the fawning hype I frequently hear about the Internet. Some of that hype may have diminished in the wake of the dot-com bust and September 11th, 2001. But the hype has not disappeared entirely, and its presence is seen everywhere from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue. One might expect…

Keeping the Home Fires Burning Blog Post

Don later pointed out to the neighbors, who over the years annually thanked him for the spectacle, that this event had accomplished something quite significant in the annals of his family history. Perhaps the lesson learned is too obvious to mention. To this day, not one of his three children—now sensible and judicious adults—has ever tried to set a Christmas tree on fire, indoors or out.