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What Now? After Synod Blog Post

Some time has passed since June’s Christian Reformed Church Synod 2024. The Reformed Journal reached out to several people from across the CRC asking them to respond to three questions.

Mrs. Alfred Hitchcock and Mrs. Eugene Heideman Blog Post

There are many women of earlier generations – and still today – whose brilliance, talents and professional skills contribute significantly to the success of their male partner. And, in spite of their spouse’s acknowledgments, they often remain underestimated or largely overlooked.

How the RCA and CRC Differ Blog Post

It is remarkable to me that the differences between the RCA and the CRC are epitomized by the names of their respective LGBTQA advocacy organizations. All One Body sounds idealistic, biblical, Pauline, seeking union, cohesion, and alignment, and suggesting “all for one and one for all.” By contrast, Room for All sounds looser, more practical, more eschatological, Lukan rather than Pauline, assuming multiplicity, variety, and space, and requiring the practice of embracing otherness. “All one body” trades on shared identity, while “room for all” trades on active hospitality. It’s wonderful how these groups are typically CRC and typically RCA.

Scripture, the Genesis of Doctrine: Doctrine and Scripture in Early Christianity Blog Post

Whoever has reflected on the relationship between scripture and doctrine will appreciate the following dilemma: a searching soul wants answers to existential questions about God, the world, and one’s place in it and opens the Bible in the expectation of finding them there. But where in this rather sprawling collection of disparate books does one even begin?

“Moriah” by Matt Thomas Blog Post

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma interviews Matt Thomas about his poem “Moriah.” Matt is a smallholder farmer, engineer, and poet. His work has appeared recently in Halfway Down the Stairs, Copihue Poetry, and Brief Wilderness and is upcoming in Dreich Magazine and Pinhole Poetry. Disappearing by the Math, a full-length collection, was published by Silver Bow in February of 2024. He lives with his family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of…

A Reformed Theological Case for Same-Sex Marriage Blog Post

Too often the debate over same-sex marriage is reduced to trying to sidestep a few tangential passages or throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. Instead, we need a comprehensive Reformed theology of marriage that honors the full arc of Scripture from creation to eschaton.

“Announcement” by Lory Widmer Hess Blog Post

In this episode of the poetry edition, Rose Postma interviews Lory Widmer Hess. Lory is an American currently living with her family in Switzerland. She works with adults with developmental disabilities and is in training as a spiritual director. Her publication credits include Parabola, Amethyst Review, and Ekstasis, and her book When Fragments Make a Whole: A Personal Journey Through Healing Stories in the Bible will be published by Floris Books in 2024. Visit her website and blog at

Why Jedi Knights Rule:How Reading and Writing Still Matter Blog Post

Weird and wonderful superheroes haven’t had it so good since the days of Baal and Zeus. Turn on the television, and you can be touched by a heavenly angel, pull for a dark angel on a big bike, or recoil from Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s sometime boyfriend Angel. And this season there’s the off-beat Joan of Arcadia, in which in each episode a teen-age girl runs into God who every time shows up in a different guise, ranging from boy…

Could I do What They Do? Blog Post

Recognizing this tendency to limit myself, I prayed, asking God to show me places I’d been holding back. I prayed for the courage I knew I’d need to respond in faith. Teresa says, “Fear distorts knowledge of self…And so I say, my friends, let us set our eyes on Christ…then self-knowledge will not make us timid or cowardly.”