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Plenty of dented signs on the highway.

Igloo photographs in the drawers on the left.

I don’t know where the antidote is kept.

Nobody came to the funeral.

They used to call them Luncheonettes.

Two-tone shirts are very elegant.

Thank you for the binoculars.

Those plants were shut down years ago.

My cigarettes are in the glove compartment.

Larger gulls got to the dead crab first.

Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

Peter J. Dellolio

Peter Dellolio was born 1956 New York City. Went to Nazareth High School and New York University. Graduated 1978: BA Cinema Studies; BFA Film Production. Published many 250-1000 word articles on the arts, film, dance, sculpture, architecture, and culture, as well as fiction, poetry, one-act plays, and critical essays on art, film, and photography. Poetry collections “A Box Of Crazy Toys” published 2018 by Xenos Books/Chelsea Editions and “Bloodstream Is An Illusion Of Rubies Counting Fireplaces” published February 2023 by Cyberwit/Rochak Publishing.

One Comment

  • Emily Jane VandenBos Style says:

    “I take out the garbage. I clean the toilets. I cook the meals. When do I have time to lead a spiritual life? The answer: when I take out the garbage, when I clean the toilets, when I cook the meals. My culture is well known for blending spirituality with reality. Strive to be aware of the holy in the most mundane of things and you will see it open up before you: the everyday is the abode of the eternal.” – poetic remarks by Steven Charleston, a Native American elder, on his Facebook page today, March 14, 2023