The Body: Soul of American Evangelicalism?
MARCH 2007: ESSAY by Margaret Bendroth One summer during high school, my younger sister and I had a contest to see who could read the
MARCH 2007: ESSAY by Margaret Bendroth One summer during high school, my younger sister and I had a contest to see who could read the
MARCH 2007: POETRY by Trina Baker Panting, I breach the trees for the meadow. Feet leave behind the dirt, moist and fecund, packed beneath needles
MARCH 2007: REVIEW Dies Irae by Roy Anker The new note in films, both last year and this, seems to be dystopic. In a marked
MARCH 2007: REVIEW by Peter Bratt Just a week before the 2006 midterm elections, the Reverend Ted Haggard, head of the National Association of Evangelicals,
But I am a worm, and not human; scorned by others, and despised by the people. –Psalm 22:6 Are you a worm? Not a gummy
FEBRUARY 2007: POETRY Birdhouse Nailed up on the tree out back beyond junk mail and shopping bags, cell phones, talk of wrongs and holidays, its
FEBRUARY 2007: AS WE SEE IT by Kathlyn Dekens About a half-dozen times a year, we all get together for birthdays or holidays or visits
FEBRUARY 2007: AS WE SEE IT by Scott Hoezee In a lecture delivered in the late 1980s, novelist Tom Wolfe noted that the surreal and
FEBRUARY 2007: ESSAY by Brett Webb-Mitchell I am a Christian pilgrim. This is an odd confession for a former seminary professor, and an ordained clergyperson
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