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The backyard maples
speak in fire-tongues,
filling the windows
with gold light

as though they were banks
of candles, burning
before great shrines,
these days of the dead,

in vigil and prayer
for the old warmth
of earth, its body
ardent with memory.

Photo by Chelsey Faucher on Unsplash

Maryann Corbett

Maryann Corbett is the author of five books of poems, most recently In Code from Able Muse Press. Her work has appeared in journals like 32 Poems, Ecotone, Literary Imagination, and Rattle and in anthologies like Measure for Measure: An Anthology of Poetic Meters and Best American Poetry 2018. She is a past winner of the Richard Wilbur Award and the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize. A sixth book, The O in the Air, is forthcoming from Colosseum Books.