Featured Articles

Rebecca Tellinghuisen

Remember to Take and Eat

I wonder if I kept that cup of July 2023 yogurt because I was savoring a memory or because I was fearing loss. But there was still loss. Instead of allowing me to taste the west and celebrate its goodness, that yogurt surely became more science experiment than breakfast under that sealed lid.

Featured Articles

James Bratt


Let’s look back at 1925 to see the portents of the year but also its other possibilities, to compare what looked big at the time to the small things that turned out to be more important. We could all use a break from looming fate right now.

Rick Patterson

An Insurrectionist Set Free

A raucous mob of religious stalwarts gathered on a day centuries ago outside a palace. Like many of those gathered in the Capitol on January

Tom Boogaart

Tears and the River of Life

The God of the scriptures does not have a heart of steel; God has a heart of flesh, a bleeding heart, and God has eyes

David Landegent

Drawing 101

While many art classes were designed to enhance creativity, this drawing class mostly helped us learn to draw realistically and accurately. I enjoyed this extended

Wes Granberg-Michaelson

Jimmy Carter’s Lonely Pilgrimage and Lasting Legacy

It was Carter’s election as President which made “evangelical” and “born again” public terms rather than the private vocabulary of a minority religious community. Ken

Roger Nelson


We live in the tension of God’s sovereignty and terrible things happening. We live in the mystery of God’s unfolding plan for creation’s salvation and

Latest from the Blog

Daily blog by our regular bloggers & guest contributors.

Marilyn McEntyre

Legislating Language

The language restrictions imposed on CDC research and reporting take the question of language censorship to a new level as well.

Christy Berghoef

Let There Be

Consider the power of a word. Let there be. A word speaks the world into being, igniting evolution and the churning of the existence of

Larry Doornbos


The decision has been made to stop the work of USAID for 90 days. That’s what’s haunting me, keeping sleep from my eyes.

Steve Mathonnet-VanderWell

Letters from Stanley

Picture this scene. It’s the late 1980s. My wife and I are co-pastoring a small church in a rural hamlet in upstate New York. We

Scott Hoezee

The Preacher and the President

You cannot understand properly the final challenging things Bishop Budde said directly to the President without hearing the whole sermon.

Dirk Hollebeek


Who am I when I cannot manage the small details of life? Where are my car keys? The grocery list?


Kathryn Schoon-Tanis

For Our Daughters  

While this film doesn’t trace how segments of the church ended up with a culture of toxic masculinity and prevalent sexual abuse (there are resources


Michael Zysk

You Said, Let There Be Light

You said, Let there be light, and there was light. And you saw that the light was good …

Sarah M. Wells

Jesus, Son of Gop

On the night he was supposed to be betrayed, Jesus strapped on a Glock under his cloak, just in case the breastplate of righteousness didn’t

Andrew Lansdown


Unnoticed except by their Maker, my wife and me–a dozen sparrows blissful at their ablutions …

Zoie Jones

Near Death

We drove nails into His wrists, air reeking of animal remains and criminal bodies piled next to the horse trough …

Abigail Carroll

Make a Joyful Noise

meaning click tongue when crossing the street for joy of having legs …

Dave Warners

November Cold

Ice crusted sheets over November puddles bespeak more of the future than this cold day …


Matthew Pullar

“Life Beneath” by Matthew Pullar

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma interviews Matthew Pullar about his poem “Life Beneath.” Pullar is a poet

Sarah M. Wells

“Jesus Son of Gop” by Sarah M. Wells

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with ⁠Sarah M. Wells⁠ about her poem “Jesus Son of GOP.” is the

Zoie Jones

“Near Death” by Zoie Jones

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Zoie Jones about her poem “Near Death.” Jones lives

Abigail Carroll

“Make A Joyful Noise” by Abigail Carroll

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with Abigail Carroll about her poem “Make A Joyful Noise.”

Dave Warners

“November Cold” by Dave Warners

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal, Rose Postma interviews Dave Warners about his poem “November Cold.” Beginning in 1997, Warners