Reformed and missional–what does it mean to pair these two words together? One is such an old, familiar term, our understanding is probably more intuitive and inexact than we realize. The other term, “missional” is so new it may mean almost nothing to some people and is still so malleable it can convey a variety of things to others.

The General Synod of the Reformed Church in America has initiated a conversation on what it means to be “Reformed and missional.” It is a conversation with potential implications far beyond the bounds of the RCA.

In this issue, Carol Bechtel, the president of the General Synod of the RCA, introduces and frames the conversation. She also points to some helpful resources made available through the RCA. Denise Kingdom Grier’s essay “The Public Presence of the Missional Church: Transient, Transparent, and Transformational” was adapted from a sermon given to the 2008 General Synod. Daniel Meeter’s essay, “Tradition,” while not specifically directed at the Reformed and missional conversation, nonetheless provides an interesting counterpoint.

Perspectives would like to help foster this conversation. Whether or not you are part of the RCA, you are invited to participate. What do you hear when these two words are paired together? Where is the affinity and synergy? Where is there friction and divergence?

We ask you to send your brief comments, preferably between 300-500 words, to perspectives@rca.org. It is our hope to publish some of your insights and analyses in an issue of Perspectives in the spring of 2009.

Thank you.

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