Late last century, Dunkin Donuts used it as their tagline—“Time to make the donuts!” The ads showed a faithful little baker working ceaselessly to be sure there would be fresh donuts every morning.

Sort of like The Twelve.

We have more than one baker, fortunately. More like fourteen or sixteen (don’t ask—we get it, the twelve. We know, we know.)

But almost without fail, there are fresh donuts every morning on The Twelve. Some of us prefer crullers and others like sprinkles. Likewise, some of us look forward to Debra Rienstra and others wait for Jason Lief. And like donuts, if today’s wasn’t exactly for you, there is always tomorrow. Still, most of the donuts here on The Twelve are really pretty good, some are very good, and some are breathtakingly stunning.

The donuts are free, every day. And about every-other-month, a new edition of Perspectives shows up, also free for the reading online. There is no membership, no dues.

As 2016 draws to a close, we ask you for a gift for the donuts you’ve enjoyed this year, as well as to help with those to come in 2017. You already know the secret recipe—volunteers, shoestring budget, high commitment. But even then, we have expenses.

You are a vital part of that secret recipe. It isn’t simply the twelve, or sixteen, bloggers. It is the community that interacts around The Twelve. It is a community that appreciates beauty and good writing, that welcomes provocative thinking and comforting devotion, that is Reformed but not parochial, that is committed to civil discourse and Christian forbearance. Thank you for being part of that community. Your comments, your encouragement, your dissents, your “shares” all mean a great deal to us. Thank you.

Please give to The Twelve and Perspectives today. Happy New Year!

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