In August of 2017, I cycled a six day leg of the Sea to Sea – a coast to coast ride, raising awareness and money to fight poverty, locally and globally.

On the second to last day of our ride, my cycling partner and I set and published a fundraising goal for the day. We asked our supporters to help us raise $1700 – $10 for each of the 170 kilometers we were going to cycle. We checked and reported our donations at every rest stop and at the end of the day, with God’s help, we had done it. Twenty different donors came through that day, helping us to raise $1700 for World Renew, Partners Worldwide, and two local projects as well. In the end, the two of us raised over $12,000 for these organizations. Soli Deo Gloria.

As we rode that day (and all week), I felt connected—connected to my fellow cyclers, to the earth, to God, and to the people whose lives would be changed with the money we were raising, and to those who were supporting us through prayer and money.

I’d love it if the readers of the Reformed Journal and The Twelve blog could connect with one another today to raise $1700 for the work that we’re doing together. It’s a different journey we’re on. Instead of bicycles and miles, there are blog posts, articles, and comments. Instead of waking up with one another in campgrounds along the route, we wake up each morning to a new reflection offered into the space of this virtual community. But in both the Sea to Sea and this Reformed Journal network of believers, relationships develop, awareness is raised, learning grows, God is glorified, and the kingdom is built.

I feel a little strange asking you all to give to a cause that I have only ever given to through my writing. So, today, that changes. I’ll give $100 to the work of this community, putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak. Maybe 16 more of you will get connected and join me!


Click on the box above to donate, or use the blue “Donate” box in the upper right-hand corner. It is there on the website every day.
Checks may be sent to Reformed Journal, PO Box 441130 #94102, Detroit, MI 48244-1130.

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