We’re eight years old today!

The Twelve first appeared on October 31, 2011.

It was no coincidence we appeared on Reformation Day, the day Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517.

It’s still a bit early to tell if the start of The Twelve will someday be seen as an equally decisive event in the history of Christ’s Church! (Humor, people, humor) But for eight years now, we’ve been striking a blow for ideas, opinion, faith, stories, good writing, joy, and beauty. And instead of a mere 95 theses, we’re approaching 2,800 blogs with 10,300 comments!

In a late stage capitalist, postmodern, neoliberal, consumerist society, it is customary to give gifts to the one celebrating a birthday.

So here’s what we’d like for our birthday: your likes and your shares on social media, your comments, your participation in the conversation, your prayers, and your financial gifts.

There’s a bright blue button in the top right hand corner labeled “Donate.” There’s another one at the very bottom of this page. Click on one, please.

We especially need some of you to donate regularly and consistently, like monthly. Could you do $10 a month? Please?

We hope you know our story–volunteer staff, shoestring budget, a lean and simple organization. Nonetheless, we do need your financial support. Thank you. Truly, thank you very much.

Happy birthday to us. “Us” includes each one of you who reads and appreciates The Twelve.

Soli Deo gloria!

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