Harlem Cultural Festival, 1969
As though Eve herself,
in all her intricate glory,
electrified once again the rib,
as though her twin lungs, rumbling
with divine breath,
let loose,
Mahalia & Mavis emerged—
earthy minerals—nitrogen,
phosphorus, calcium,
thundering in their throats,
vibrato with lightning
parting the sea of thick air,
emitting the ancient
musk of dawn’s first rain,
reverberating between centuries-
old blame,
dusky joy, & hard-won
by the confluence
of Dorsey’s hymn with bluesy strings,
gospel keys, & twilight
it was their turn
to translate,
all in one accord,
groans of the Ghost—
yes, Holy!—
before the throne, imploring,
insisting, Hold my hand,
lest I fall—
so what precious Lord
would ever say no?