I’m very pleased today to announce a new venture, Reformed Journal Books, and to reveal the cover of our first book: Telling Stories in the Dark: Finding healing and hope in sharing our sadness, grief, trauma, and pain. (And I feel great sadness in the midst of my excitement to note the link I just shared is one of the last projects the late John Hwang helped prepare for the Reformed Journal, and to remember John’s enthusiasm about all of this.)

Reformed Journal Books is done in partnership with Front Edge Publishing, a company co-founded by David Crumm, former religion editor of the Detroit Free Press. David has served as editor on this project, and has reported on religion, spirituality, and cross-cultural issues in the United States, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, and also edits Read the Spirit magazine.
I started working on Telling Stories in the Dark over two years ago as I considered the amazing losses caused by the pandemic and wondered how we would find the resilience to move forward. I was guided by Frederick Buechner’s concept of the “stewardship of pain,” and felt this book would be a natural follow-up to Reading Buechner.
At first, I set out to read everything I could to make myself an expert on trauma and loss. I discovered we’re making amazing progress on understanding how our brains work and what happens to our brains during trauma. I also discovered I would never be a brain scientist. After about six months of reading I gave the project up. (Among the most fascinating books I read was Bessel VanderKolk’s The Body Keeps the Score, which I highly recommend.) I set my project aside, knowing I was not about to become brain science expert in my 60s.
After a few months, inspiration came out of the blue. Instead of trying to be an expert, I changed my point of view to that of an investigator. After all, I was a journalism major a lifetime ago at Michigan State University (and editor of the Flint Southwestern High School Hoofbeat before that, he wrote with a wry smile).
The book came together in my mind immediately. I decided to interview people who had not just faced tremendous loss but had made Buechner’s move toward the stewardship of pain. I would tell their stories. I love telling stories and believe strongly in the power (for good and for ill) of stories. I’m guided by Rebecca Solnit’s belief that our stories can be both the prison we lock ourselves into and the key that unlocks the prison door. At this late point in my life, I can hardly read the sorts of books I used to read, books that are nothing but collections of propositional arguments. I need stories. I devour stories. “Old men ought to be explorers,” T.S. Eliot wrote in Four Quartets, a poem that’s referred to more than once in my book. I decided to become an explorer.
The other idea that came to me once I abandoned trying to pass myself off as an expert was to interview people who actually are experts. Each chapter of Telling Stories in the Dark not only contains a story, it also includes processing of the story with a subject matter expert. I interviewed a couple of psychologists, a writer who has a specialty in medical humanities, a theologian, a pastor, a therapist, and an artist to help gain wisdom and insight into each story.
The stories are about heavy topics, yet I don’t think it’s a depressing book. I tried hard not to be voyeuristic, but to focus on things like resilience, hope, and healing. Still, the stories deal with murder, medical error, cancer, dementia, suicide, and accidental death. Some of the people involved have recognizable names: Nicholas Wolterstorff, Marilyn McEntyre, Makoto Fujimura, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, and Chuck DeGroat are all involved. The author Sarah Arthur wrote the foreword. But others involved are everyday folks, people like you and me who don’t have Wikipedia pages or websites, but who have experienced life and loss and somehow have done redemptive things with their pain.
I have two great hopes for this book, both of which involve you. First, I hope this book is of use to the church. Mark Hiskes and I have created a discussion guide that will accompany the book and be available for free downloading from the Reformed Journal site. This book is made for conversation, and my wish is that small groups, book clubs, and adult education classes will engage with it. I’d love to be a part of those conversations, either in person or through Zoom.
Second, I hope Telling Stories in the Dark is the first in a long line of Reformed Journal Books. A generous couple got behind this project and seeded the creation of our publishing imprint. Every copy of Telling Stories in the Dark we sell will pay it forward for our next book. You know that we have an amazingly talented group of writers at the Reformed Journal. As much as I love our digital format, and as much as I appreciate its flexibility and all it helps us accomplish, there is no object in the world I love more than a good book (quirky baseball cards are a close second). I want to spend the last years of my working life as a book midwife, bringing books by our great Reformed Journal writers into the world.
Telling Stories in the Dark will be available for pre-order next month, and will be officially released early in 2024. We’ll be sharing more as those dates approach.
14 Responses
How exciting, Jeff!! Congratulations on completing the book, on this new venture for RJ, and on a gorgeous cover design. Can’t wait to engage this book!!
Wow super exciting! It sounds fabulous.
I look forward to reading this, Jeff. I wonder if people in jail could relate to this.
This feels like a beacon of light and hope on this rain-swept morning as our family tries to claw our way through overwhelming grief that comes in waves of loss and longing for “before it happened” times when everything was as normal as most others. I can’t wait to hear these stories and perhaps find a way forward that gives healing and hope for us as well as so many others. Thank you and Mark for thinking of including resources for it to be used as a jumping off point for group discussion. When you join the unwanted club of overwhelming grief, you find the depth of it in people everywhere around you. And I agree, at my age I too want stories, real or fictional, that satisfy the soul and expand the horizon.
Congratulations Jeff on this new book and venture. I, too liked the cover design. I am sorry it won’t be available until after the new year. It would have made a good Christmas gift book. It should be a meaningful read when it does come out.
This sounds amazing! I look forward to reading the book despite what it might conjure up in my soul!
Wow. This sounds like a rich culmination of patient discernment and hard work. I look forward to reading it, Jeff. Thank you for bringing it to us.
Can’t wait to read it in book club!!
I was listening to one of my favorite albums from the 70’s by Keith Green yesterday and came upon, “He’ll Take Care of the Rest”. (For Him Who Has Ears to Hear, released May 20, 1977)
I’d just started my faith journey a month before and loved the simple encouragement to trust God.
Life is much more nuanced 45+ years later and so is my faith. This book will give comfort and insight to life’s most challenging trials.
This is a unique book and so accessible and I look forward to sharing it with everyone.
Congratulations Jeff ❤️
The kind of book I’ve been waiting for -thank you, Jeff!
Thank you, Jeff. Just finished “Reading Buechner” – very much appreciated your guide to the author whose writing did so much for me in my early ministry years.