The Lord be with you.
And also with you.

Where are you right now?
In your favorite chair? on the bus? in a crowd?
Right there, God is.
The Holy swirls around and within.
Light emanates from the depths of the self you do not yet know.
The One who Is, Was and Evermore Shall Be is being in your being – one with you.
Sense that.

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them up to the Lord. 

Did you?
What does it feel like to lift up your heart?
If you don’t know, fill your lungs and watch your chest rise.
Inhale through your nose and let your chin lift from your neck.
Raise your gaze just a bit higher than the horizon.
Or close your eyes and drift into the dark mystery.
Make space, however you can, in heart, mind, and spirit. 

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. 
It is right to give our thanks and praise. 

It is right, but not instead of wrong.
 It is right, but not for rule’s sake.
 It is right as in re-aligned and well-adjusted,
as life reconnects with Life,
creature with creator.
 Let something deep within you say a simple ‘yes’ to that.
Yes to God.
Yes to glory.
Yes to praise.
So give, receive, receive, give,
And let grow the hunger and thirst for more of this

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8 Responses

  1. Very fitting for today as we will be worshipping with a sister-in-law in TX on a communion Sunday. We’ll be intentional about remembering your prayer poem. Thank you.

  2. Thanks. Just celebrated this past Sunday, next time I will pause a bit longer before saying the next line of the beginning of the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving. God is with us always: before, during, and after Communion.

  3. It’s wonderful when something that is “inspiring” in the spiritual sense also leads to “inspiration” in the physical sense. Thank you for this oxygenated, refreshing, sacred pause in my day.

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