Way back in the day when the original Reformed Journal was still in print via Eerdmans Publishing Company in the 1980s, I had the thrill as a seminary student to get a letter to the editor published to which a prominent thinker had the courtesy to honor me with a response. After that RJ ended and there was an attempt to merge with the RCA journal Perspectives, my professor, mentor, and friend Neal Plantinga was gracious enough to invite me to join him on a back page column about preaching and that was a honor as well. Neal helped me publish several or so columns when I was then yet a young preacher. While I was on sabbatical in Princeton in the Fall of 2000, I was invited by Jim Bratt to join the editorial board for Perspectives in 2001 and that led to a multi-year collaboration and my serving for several years as one of three co-editors for the magazine.
Not long after my gig on the board and as editor ended, Perspectives launched a blog called “The Twelve” and of that original dozen writers I was a member from the get-go. Now we’ve come full circle and have become once more the Reformed Journal and its attendant blog of now more than twelve of us. I have been glad to write what I am guessing is 200+ blogs since that time when this blog began in 2011.
I have tried to write about what I thought was important, interesting, funny, ironic, deeply Reformed, and relevant. As the rise of Donald Trump was happening, I tried to raise issues and even sound what I regarded to be alarms. Within my own denomination of the CRCNA I have addressed ideas, synods, overtures, and some of the best parts of our amazing Reformed theological tradition of which I am so humbly proud to be a member.
But our socio-political, cultural, and ecclesiastical atmosphere has gotten more fraught not less over time and with some major changes in my need to care for my parents and other considerations, I have found it increasingly difficult to know what could be considered acceptable or prudent about which to blog here every other week. And so perhaps it’s time to make way for other voices and thus with this blog, I am stepping away from my regular blog postings.
When Johnny Carson retired in 1992, he said at his farewell show that if he had another idea for something to do on TV, he hoped America would welcome him back. He never did have anything else, but I might have the occasional blog I will offer to the RJ editors and will also hope they will welcome me back as a guest blogger.
It’s curious to me that any number of other languages have a way to say farewell that also contains within it the seed of hoped-for reconnection. Auf Wiedersehen. Au revoir. Hasta la vista. They all say, “Bye, but see you soon!” English just basically cuts things off and does not hold out a lot of hope for another encounter. Maybe in this age, that linguistic fact is telling. Predictive. Maybe.
But as Frederick Buechner noted, the English word “goodbye” seems to be an heir of what was once perhaps a longer term of parting as “God Be With Ye” and if so, then perhaps that contains the seed of “God Be With Ye Till We Meet Again” or some such. In that sense then, Goodbye.
In any event, as a German major at Calvin, I say Auf Wiedersehen. God be with you until we meet again.
45 Responses
Or as we say in Hawaii, “a hui hou.”
Grateful for you.
You will be missed, Scott. Thanks for your wisdom and perspective over the years.
Scott – this is a sad day. Yet, praise God for your intelligence, courage, and compassion. You are a pastor at heart, with writing as only one of many other gifts. Thank you for making us all richer.
This makes me sad. May you and your family be blessed as you follow your call to care for parents. Take care of yourself as well. Until you blog again, God Bless.
Thank you for using your gifts to bless us over these many years.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom, questions, insights and challenges.
God be with you til we meet again.
I will miss reading your blogs! Thank you for your contributions! You have been a blessing both as a writer and friend to Keith and I! Dinner soon?
I am sorry that you feel the need to go. I wish I could simply bless you on the next part of your journey to care for your parents, a noble calling, but my heart breaks that part of it is struggling to find that which is acceptable or prudent. In a sense, I suppose this has always been the case. We cannot simply toss out any old thing without consideration of the kind of “word” it is. On the other hand, one of the things I’ve always appreciated about our Reformed Faith is its rigorous wrestling with the Word, with our relationship with the Divine, and with the world. It seems like the guardrails are closing in on that thought, pushing out more and more of what is acceptable or prudent.
For what it’s worth, I’ve always appreciated your writing, especially the pieces that I’ve wrestled with and came out on the other side of with differences but a better understanding. Thank you for your words, your thoughts, and your sermons. I’m eager to come back for more when you are a guest blogger.
I will miss your voice here. I have been blessed by your thoughtful reflections. God bless you and your family, especially now as your parents need you more.
Thank you for blessing us with your insights and challenges over the years. Enjoy your time away!
Those of us who are Caregivers would love to hear of your experiences more than from time to time. Perhaps you can journal as you travel this new road and then share your travelogue down that road. We will pray for traveling mercies!
I’ve been a fan of yours through all the chapters you review here. Bless you, Scott. Enjoy the next adventures away from these duties. Yes, write from time to time if you can. Your voice is important.
Fare-well, Scott, and God-be-with-you, Goodbye.
Bette Midler sang her poignant goodbye song to Johnny Carson that last night.
In some fashion, we as your devoted readers, sing you our goodbye as well. You have enriched all of us in countless ways.
My deepest thanks.
Vaya Con Dios.
Thank you, Scott for your wonderful writing over the years. We have been blessed and you will be missed. We do pray you appear in this blog in the future.
Caring for your parents and having more time to be present for them is so important. You will never regret the sacrifices you make as you help them during this time in their life.
God’s blessings to you!
My first response was: please say it isn’t so, but that’s unfair since most of us, at different times in our lives, have had to readjust our priorities and where to use our energies. I feel particularly sad about your knowing “what could be considered acceptable or prudent about what to blog”. You have been honest and often prophetic in daring to name the things we should think deeply about. Thank you and “God Be with Ye”.
You will be missed. Thank you and (what is Southern for googbye) “y’all come to see us, y’ hear.”
Scott, I will miss you. I can’t read every post in RJ, but I always read yours. But I understand your reasons for going. In Kiswahili we say kwaheri, which basically means farewell. And I trust that you will fare well, wherever your journey takes you.
Say it isn’t so Scott. Your goodby and Neal’s retirement in one week is too much. Thanks for sharing your wisdom over the years.
Thank you, Scott, for all you’ve shared through these many years and for your leadership on RJ (through all of its iterations). Your wisdom, insight, and candor will be missed. Prayers go with you as you enter a new season. Peace & blessings to you.
Scott, thanks for what you have done for me with your posts. I looked forward to them. I actually think I understand your decision. Blessings as you continue your calling. The church needs you.
Have enjoyed your insights and perspective. Will miss that. But let me add the Arabic farewell:
مع السلامة (ma’ salaama) – “(go) with peace!
I am sad to read this because as so many have already said, I have been blessed and challenged by your words. Blessings in this next season of your ministry, and we all do hope to read occasional wisdom from you as you are led to share!
Deep gratitude for all you’ve contributed to the church through RJ, Scott.
Peace to you and upon your family.
To so many grateful responses to your “departure,” I want to add “yes, me too – thanks, Scott, for making us think and feel and care. And as we Frisians would say – “Oant sjen.”
Scott, I’ve appreciated your thoughts and insights. I’ll miss you. Thanks!
So many well-deserved tributes and thank yous!. I always looked forward to your writings and your blogs and have benefitted from them. We will miss you deeply. And the church will miss your wisdom. But God will be with you – and us.
Mary VanderVennen
I want to throw a tantrum! Everyone is so nice and I’m feeling really sad! I wish you all the best and I thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Becoming a Grand Rapidian just a few years ago, I first met you when you preached in my church. Then I recently became a Reformed Journal reader and I have appreciated your insightful and humble thoughts. We both comment frequently on JS’s Wordle page. And now, we have journeyed at the same time with moving parents into Assisted Living, I’ll miss your more regular RJ contributions, but I’m sure we’ll see each other around the bend!
Scott. Every time I saw your name in various publications, or on this blog, I knew I was in for fine and thoughtful writing. Thank you for all the ways you have enriched so many lives over the years. I do hope that from time to time we shall benefit from your wisdom and insights, but for now, deep gratitude. Many blessings to you, friend.
I join the chorus to say: you will be missed, Scott. Thank you for all you have shared and the wisdom, humor, and timeliness that have undergirded each post. Thank you, and Auf Wiedersehen…until we meet again.
Scott, I am feeling sad. I will miss you and your wise, eloquent, pastoral and prophetic words. Please do be a regular guest! God bless you and your family.
Be blessed on your way. Have appreciated your insights. You remain an important voice in Reformed circles with ever-changing tides. Thanks!!
Ditto from me, Scott. I appreciate your insight, courage, clarity, and care. Blessings to you In your expanded personal ministy, and I look forward to future guest appearances. Al
As usual when I Read that you had submitted another blog, I Said out loud, “Oh, good, Scott’s written
on RJ!” MY wife said, “Yes, but you are not going t like it.” That made me a bit apprehensive. Like the
others who have responded, I have been blessed by your blogs–I Dare say every one of them!
I wish you rich blessings as you take more time for your parents. Many of us know about that.
Also, since your mom is my cousin , we know a little about these changes. You and your family remain
in our thoughts and prayers.
I’m grateful for the words you shared, I always appreciated your insight and perspective. You will be missed but I completely understand. God be with you and yours.
Thank you Scott. I echo the sentiments of so many! You are a clear and intelligent voice in a time full of voices. Blessings in your next adventure!
I am sorry you don’t feel like you can continue. Your voice will be missed.
Scott, I am sad, but understand ! Love Mary
God bless you along your path, Scott. Please write when God puts something on your heart. Perhaps it is “goodbye for now.” We’ll meet again when the season turns. We bless you into this new chapter.
Thanks for your excellent writings, Scott. You were the only one, well, maybe next to Jim Bratt, that I always made sure I read. Goodbye.
Thanks, Scott, for your many contributions–as pastor & preacher, as CTS professor of preaching, as an RJ/Perspectives/RJ editor, writer and blogger–to all of us. As is true for all who have responded before I did, I have been richly blessed and challenged by your thoughtful and insightful writings. We will hold you always in our hearts with deep gratitude.
Your voice has been a gift to the church, Scott, and I trust will continue to be a gift to the church in other places.
Scott, it was a joy to teach Seminary classes with you. You have a multitude of gifts. Thanks for your clear thinking and creative style which I am sure will be continually used in your other writing projects.
Thank you for showing me and many others what keeping the faith means. You can’t know the scope or depth of your impact in your writing and speaking. As an example, our pastor at Suttons Bay Congregational was deeply influenced by you in a worship seminar she attended. She, an amazing preacher and pastor in her own right, benefited from your wisdom, and as a consequence, so do all of us who worship with her.
I hope you will offer many guest articles. We need your insight.