Lisa was one of our favorite babysitters. Her family lived in our neighborhood and Lisa included us in the neighborhood goings-on. We loved that about her, especially as we got older and recognized the generosity required to include dorky little neighborhood kids in her social calendar. As if she couldn’t be any cooler, Lisa also wore blue mascara. As a kid, I thought that was amazing, (and I kind of still do).
We also had this fun young married couple that would babysit us from time to time. I recall one night they put nylons over their faces and scared the bejeezus out of us. It was funny at the time (though I suspect it would be a lot less fun in today’s world). However, one of my other lasting memories of this fun babysitting couple is their dramatic recitation of an old book, Fortunately, by Remy Charlip.
It went something like this:
Fortunately one day, Ned got a letter that said, “Please Come to a Surprise Party”
But unfortunately
the party was in Florida and he was in New York.
a friend loaned him an airplane.
the motor exploded.
there was a parachute in the airplane.
there was a hole in the parachute.
there was a haystack on the ground.
there was a pitchfork in the haystack.
he missed the pitchfork.
he missed the haystack.
he landed in water.
there were sharks in the water.
he could swim.
there were tigers on the land.
he could run.
he ran into a deep dark cave.
he could dig.
he dug himself into a fancy ballroom.
there was a surprise party going on. And fortunately the party was for him, because fortunately it was his birthday!
The book makes me think of life during the quarantine, when I see both the anxiety and fear as well as the capacity for love and care of our neighbors. During this crisis, we spend time naming our fears and our blessings.
Unfortunately, I recently celebrated a birthday. Social distancing made my birthday not nearly as much fun as it has been in past years, particularly because I love a themed party. Fortunately, I am home and safe and, so far, healthy with my lovely family.
How do you manage your current ‘fortunatelys’ and ‘unfortunatelys’?