Matthew 2.0
Thanks to my colleagues, this blog has been hitting its stride in the last two weeks (IMHO), day after day taking on challenging, serious topics
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Thanks to my colleagues, this blog has been hitting its stride in the last two weeks (IMHO), day after day taking on challenging, serious topics
During worship services this Easter season when we say the Apostle’s Creed together, I naturally attend especially to the words focusing on the Easter event.
I report to you late on Friday night after two exhilarating days at the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College. I’m exhausted and
The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and saw the tomb and how his body was laid in it. Then they
APRIL 2012: AS WE SEE IT by Debra Rienstra I admit there’s something romantic about woodstoves and typewriters and horse-drawn carriages and other technologies of
I admit there’s something romantic about wood stoves and typewriters and horse-drawn carriages and other technologies of the past. For about ten minutes. Then, get
You know those times when you do an extra good job on something, even when you understand that no one will appreciate or even notice
A couple weeks ago, fellow Twelver Jeff Munroe confessed his fondness for Downton Abbey, the gorgeous, Brit-made, upstairs-downstairs soap opera that American viewers have swooned
Last week my mother spent a night in the hospital because of atrial fibrillation. Her heart gets out of rhythm, and it needs to be
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