Can History Save Us?
As I’m training to be a historian of American religion, I’ve been thinking a lot about what history can and can’t do for us.
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As I’m training to be a historian of American religion, I’ve been thinking a lot about what history can and can’t do for us.
Many advocates of climate justice, Christian and otherwise, have looked to the Middle Ages to figure out what went wrong and how to set things
This morning, I woke up to the grinding buzz of landscaping equipment. There’d been an email about it, but it was before 8 a.m. and
At the end of a whirlwind lecture about the “Writings” in the Hebrew Bible, my intro Old Testament professor arrived at the whirlwind itself: Job
It’s an ancient conviction in both Jewish and Christian scripture that all of creation — not only humanity — praises the Lord in song. The
On my first day of seminary (online, thanks to the northerly remnants of Hurricane Ida), I learned about confessions. They come in many flavors: acknowledgments
Christian history is like pizza. At the right time—when you’re hungry, when it’s just out of the oven, when all’s right in the world—it’s filling,
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