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Clean! Clean!

The Great Commission in Matthew 28 has one imperative verb and three supporting participles. The main verb is not "go," though it looks like it in our English translations. The main verb is the command "make disciples." The three participles explain how the command is fulfilled. We make disciples of all nations by going, baptizing, and teaching them to obey all that Jesus has commanded. We understand the going part of the Great Commission. That's why we have things like…
Kevin De Young
August 1, 2011

Why Not Belhar?

Over the past two years I have struggled a great deal whether to support the adoption of the Belhar Confession or not. Part of me wants to support it. Like everyone else in the Reformed Church in America--or almost everyone else for that matter--I think apartheid was evil, racism is wrong, and church unity is good. I like the idea of adopting a confession that comes from the global South and may speak to non-whites in a way that our…
Kevin De Young
January 1, 2010