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A Word to Gatekeepers

I’m no theologian, but I am a Bible-reading Christ follower, and after rereading the gospels recently, I can’t cite an instance where Jesus meets needy people honestly seeking him and keeps them away: Samaritans, prostitutes, lepers, adulterers, demon-possessed, tax collectors, prodigal sons. Regardless of their sins or ailments or reputations, he opens the gate to every one of them. It’s the Pharisees and, sometimes, the over-zealous disciples he reprimands for trying to close it.
Mark Hiskes
June 3, 2024

The River We Remember

With The River We Remember, his latest stand-alone novel, William Kent Krueger has crafted a story as engaging as any he’s written, though not as memorable as This Tender Land.
Mark Hiskes
January 3, 2024

Afraid to Teach

We must do something, because trusting teachers and nurturing trust in the classroom is vital to the survival of real education. This is especially critical in Christian communities, where our concerns for building bridges of love between people is our godly calling.
Mark Hiskes
August 22, 2022

Sacred Incipience

Then I saw the tree—dead, fallen years before, limbs snapped raw like broken bones, its trunk a shroud-less corpse still teeming with life.
Mark Hiskes
July 20, 2021