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Inside Out

Getting Bro-propriated

A woman says something in a meeting. It is barely acknowledged. Later in the meeting, a man says the exact same thing, whereupon everyone agrees that it is, indeed, the solution to every problem. There’s a word for that: “Bro” + appropriation = Bro-propriation. All of which brings me to the Easter story. The account of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is told four times: in Mark 16, Matthew 28, Luke 24 and John 20. Scholars generally agree that Mark…
Meg Jenista
September 1, 2015

In Defense of Grey’s Anatomy

JANUARY 2007: AS WE SEE IT by Margaret Jenista Every great love story has a beginning. Once upon a time, Cinderella didn't know Prince Charming, but then (several mice, a pumpkin and fairy godmother later) Cinderella is in love. We are instructed to imagine such a love by the words, "happily ever after"--a state of being cemented forever by marriage, several children, even more grandchildren until ol' Cinders and Charms are rocking their way into retirement on the front porch…
Meg Jenista
January 16, 2007