Martin Luther King, Jr. and the War on Terror
JANUARY 2007: ESSAY by Hak Joon Lee Editors’ Note: Contributing editor Hak Joon Lee is associate professor of ethics and community at New Brunswick Theological
JANUARY 2007: ESSAY by Hak Joon Lee Editors’ Note: Contributing editor Hak Joon Lee is associate professor of ethics and community at New Brunswick Theological
rush creek with carp after i got the car and mother moved back to nearby town and found a fourth husband, she wanted me to
JANUARY 2007: REVIEW by Anna J. Cook Growing up in Holland, Michigan, I have been privileged to attend numerous events at the biennial Festival of
Paul writes from a city full of people who, to you and me, might have seemed beyond the reach of the gospel. Paul writes from
JANUARY 2007: POETRY by Charles Rampp rush creek with carp after i got the car and mother moved back to nearby town and found a
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2006 has been awarded to Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. Yunus and the Grameen (literally “rural”) Bank started the
The Thanksgiving Day service was almost over. The singing had been inspiring, the sermon right on point, the prayers plain and heartfelt. Then the Congressman
In the closing months of 2006, news dispatches from Iraq have grown more discouraging by the week. Casualties continue to mount, both among the military
Ma knew that I often walked with friends from Ryerson on Sundays. But after I had been gone on a particularly snowy day for over
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