The time of death could not be set precisely for that night. No unseen angel stopped the clock or rang a bell, nor did he
A consensus of archaeological evidence suggests that the Nazareth of Jesus’ boyhood was a small village located on an unfertile chalk hill 1,200 feet or
So you also, when you have done all that you were ordered to do, say “We are worthless slaves; we have only done what we
I’m an Army brat, the proud son of a proud veteran who completed four tours of duty in two separate conflicts. I am immensely grateful
The highest possible standard of a nation is justice. That is quite a high standard, not always reached by a nation, even ours. How does
The lap pool–wide at both ends to allow for volleyball nets–was sixty feet long. The middle part narrowed into a dangerous Dardanelles where he had
I should keep a Sunday journal, a place not so much for sermon outlines as for the ideas they have generated. It strikes me now
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