Mouse Under Box in Kitchen
A blue post-it note in my wife’s handwriting had appeared on my computer screen during the night. “Mouse under box in kitchen.” The cat must
A blue post-it note in my wife’s handwriting had appeared on my computer screen during the night. “Mouse under box in kitchen.” The cat must
The movie Before and After (1996) opens with the quiet narration of a young girl. Sitting alone in her tree house, she reflects that life
They chuckled softly and wagged their heads remembering the times they’d been converted–gone to the front. Ed went three times; Junior only once. He’d tried
SEDGES All winter, above, under snow, their hearts fed on dank earth, their fronds loved the wind. Between storms, a crow landed and squawked to
“By his foes derided, by his own rejected”: only once in a great while do critics begin beating up on a film months before its
Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ has stirred up more than its share of controversy. All the culture wars and disputes about the role
Sometimes, when I’m strapped in my seat, a strange body close on either side of me, two hundred of us altogether packaged like eggs in
Now that The Passion of the Christ is playing in the theaters, we can reflect a moment on how it played in the culture prior
Marvel once again at the ingenuity of the television and radio commercial writers. You’ve heard the General Motors On-Star ads. A woman is in her
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