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Jimmy Carter’s Lonely Pilgrimage and Lasting Legacy

It was Carter’s election as President which made “evangelical” and “born again” public terms rather than the private vocabulary of a minority religious community. Ken Woodward, Religion Editor at Newsweek magazine, and a friend from my time at Sojourners, did a cover story titled “The Evangelicals” to introduce this community to the reading public. The President had called himself an evangelical, and most had little idea what this meant.


We live in the tension of God’s sovereignty and terrible things happening. We live in the mystery of God’s unfolding plan for creation’s salvation and the harsh and horrible realities of human experience.
December 30, 2024

Finding the Heart of COP29

Baku is a city of 2.5 million people, halfway around the world from my home in Michigan. What would my knowledge of tree names in the Midwest bring to this global gathering of professional negotiators from 198 countries? What did I know about global politics, or the formalities of United Nations policy making? What’s more, this COP was being called “the finance COP,” another issue that doesn’t often make its way into the woods, and which I therefore know very…
December 16, 2024

Present in Every Season

Most days I walk the loop through the cemetery of the First Reformed Church in Pompton Plains, N.J., where my wife Stacey is the Co-Pastor. I read the headstones, which tell a variety of stories. The oldest headstones, dating to the 1700’s when the church was founded, are no longer legible. The beginning of the loop, which is predominately 19th century and replete with many Dutch names, eventually gives way to a more inclusive community. The varied names make me…
December 9, 2024

Alf’s Story: An Advent Meditation

On a Damascus Road of sorts, seeing beyond the proof text, I’m able to say to myself and anyone who’ll listen, “Yes, really!” Come cancer, depression, or roulette wheels, we are never alone. Emmanuel. God is with us.
December 2, 2024

Paul McCartney and Me

Aging and retirement are distinct concepts, of course, but they frequently intersect. For clarity’s sake, let’s agree that aging is a natural biological process that occurs over time, involving physical, cognitive, and social changes. It’s a universal experience that affects everyone. McCartney and I are both aging, whether we like it or not. And we are both old, according to actuarial tables.
November 25, 2024

Big Red, Job, and the Power of Remembering

Job hopes that God will long for him and come calling. In short, he hopes that God will remember him. In the life and ministry of Jesus, this is exactly what God does. Christians believe that in the person of Jesus, God remembers our fragile existence in a fragile world. In Jesus, God and the world were reconciled. Call it atonement; call it ransom; call it victory over the forces of evil. By whatever name, God remembers us.
November 18, 2024

The Means of Grace: An Invitation to All

He opened our eyes to what we all knew but had forgotten: that prior to the Reformation, the Catholic Church had devalued the sermon in public worship; the Protestants, in their zeal for the recovery of the scripture, now in their own languages, made the sermon the new focus of public worship, and thereby relegated holy Communion to a secondary place, offering it only once a month, or even, in some cases, just four times a year.
November 11, 2024