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God is in Control (?)

If God is totally in control, then the child-like part of my heart can sit back and relax. God’s got this, after all. I don’t have to be responsible, I don’t have to face consequences, and I can avoid the painful feelings of grief and sadness.
September 26, 2022

Our Last Week at Loonsong Cabin

For twenty-two years, Loonsong has been an emotional and spiritual refuge for me. It is a healing and renewing place where I unwind, read, write, play games, explore, sit and stare. I am more present to myself and to Tom when I step away from responsibilities and stressors into the quiet, the beauty, the remoteness, and enter this time without expectations. Tomorrow, we leave. I wonder: how will I carry the gifts of Loonsong into my future
September 5, 2022

Jake’s Engagement

Jake first noticed her the day after she moved in to the home. She bore a remarkable resemblance to his first and only wife—the white hair, the infectious smile, the pleasant round face and other round parts--so much so that it almost frightened him. He became a widower about six months before Julia entered his now smaller world, quietly yet abruptly, and his life would not be the same.
August 29, 2022

Afraid to Teach

We must do something, because trusting teachers and nurturing trust in the classroom is vital to the survival of real education. This is especially critical in Christian communities, where our concerns for building bridges of love between people is our godly calling.
August 22, 2022

Reviewing the Religion Cases of the 2021-22 Supreme Court Term: Part Two

Christians of varying ideological leanings are likely to process very differently the new judicial era of Supreme Court consensus around religion and the First Amendment. Notwithstanding such differences, three distinct and important shifts characterize this consensus that should give us a common foundation to inform our conversation. These developments also raise real concerns that should give pause to all Christians, whatever their partisan or political leanings. 
August 16, 2022

Reviewing the Religion Cases of the 2021-22 Supreme Court Term: Part One

Adding to the conservative tenor of the term were a trio of cases dealing with the 1st amendment religion clauses, all of which came down on the side of the pro-religion party. But unlike the decisions on abortion, guns, and administrative power, all of which marked a major shift in constitutional jurisprudence, the religion cases were in line with, and even the culmination of, a pro-religion trend that has been building on the Court under Chief Justice Roberts’ tutelage.
August 15, 2022

Was it all Worth It?

I didn’t solve the world’s problems, or the church’s. But maybe, just maybe, not because of me but in spite of me, God used my attempted faithfulness somewhere, somehow, for something bigger than me, beyond my own limited vision; and on that, someone else is building, blossoming, growing. Living out their own calling.
August 8, 2022