Photons of Thought
Psalm 40.5 The sun feels warm upon my face – I mean,upon my eyelids, from behind which Iam looking through a wintry, cloudless sky,expecting not
Psalm 40.5 The sun feels warm upon my face – I mean,upon my eyelids, from behind which Iam looking through a wintry, cloudless sky,expecting not
I am remembering the day my olderbrother became a force to reckon with. Tall, clumsy, goofy, and a little slowin more than just one way,
Genesis 1-11 The breath of God sighs over the wild wastes;The wind of God blows over the dark deep;Creation! Spring fertile plains out of chasterocks;
Often we need what we have sent away– dismissed as blasphemous on some happier day– then suddenly we’re desperate to knowa snippet of the future
Yellow butterflies return to oaks in the grove. They accompany a landscape gone to seed, ragged and wet in the sunlight. Their coming signalsa betweenness,
It was the 3rd of July100 plus degreesher cancer had returned.the picnic was tomorrowher kitchen was asunderso she came to mineto make brownies and potato
Creator Guide, I have most everythingI want, my needsare more than simplymet, you’ve more than simply earned my trust. You invite my tired bonesto lie
we drive to see a house ablaze in lightwindows trimmed in green and more greenthe doors flash red and white, our faces glow incandescentbig bulbs
If, at the harvest, I bring you a jug of cold water,and you drink till you are drunk, I am your servant. If, in the
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