It’s about us which is an empathy pronoun, replacing her and him and you and it and, praise the Lord, other.

Seventy-seven pounds of wool on that merino sheep who got lost
in the Outback.

Let the sparrow take a chair at the Juneteenth table with Elijah …

You said, Let there be light, and there was light. And you saw that the light was good …

It’s About Us
It’s about us which is an empathy pronoun, replacing her and him and you and it and, praise the Lord, other.

Lost Sheep
Seventy-seven pounds of wool on that merino sheep who got lost
in the Outback.

Let the sparrow take a chair at the Juneteenth table with Elijah …

You Said, Let There Be Light
You said, Let there be light, and there was light. And you saw that the light was good …

Jesus, Son of Gop
On the night he was supposed to be betrayed, Jesus strapped on a Glock under his cloak, just in case the breastplate of righteousness didn’t

Unnoticed except by their Maker, my wife and me–a dozen sparrows blissful at their ablutions …

Near Death
We drove nails into His wrists, air reeking of animal remains and criminal bodies piled next to the horse trough …

Make a Joyful Noise
meaning click tongue when crossing the street for joy of having legs …

November Cold
Ice crusted sheets over November puddles bespeak more of the future than this cold day …

The Writer
(for Siani Woodard) I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made– Psalm 139:14 Half-court. Dad said our perch from steep bleachersallowed us

Let the Party Begin
It’s not always easyto carry good wishes and admirationin a see-through bag ready to toss up like confettihoping enough will stickto needed parts of willing