A Few Frames from 2006: Family Values and 9/11 as Viewed by Hollywood
FEBRUARY 2007: ESSAY by Joan Zwagerman Curbow If you have missed most of the movies of 2006, a number of them were available on DVD
FEBRUARY 2007: ESSAY by Joan Zwagerman Curbow If you have missed most of the movies of 2006, a number of them were available on DVD
Norman Kolenbrander I’ve decided it’s time to “come out of the closet.” No, I am not about to leave my loving wife of forty-four years
FEBRUARY 2007: REVIEW by Miriam Ippel I never really left college. After my undergraduate years, I served in various ministry and administrative roles in higher
David Schelhaas The words father and mother come from similar roots, and the roots most likely come from the sounds an infant child makes before
Why Pastors Leave Church Dear Sirs: Why did Barbara Brown Taylor leave a parish pulpit to fill an endowed chair at a Georgia college, teaching
JANUARY 2007: AS WE SEE IT by Margaret Jenista Every great love story has a beginning. Once upon a time, Cinderella didn’t know Prince Charming,
Scott Hoezee In the beginning, a few Renaissance geniuses used belief in God as the impetus to launch an investigation of the universe. Their development
JANUARY 2007: ESSAY by Hak Joon Lee Editors’ Note: Contributing editor Hak Joon Lee is associate professor of ethics and community at New Brunswick Theological
rush creek with carp after i got the car and mother moved back to nearby town and found a fourth husband, she wanted me to
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