In his book The Narrow Path: How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls, Rich Villodas offers a clever illustration to describe the spaciousness of life in God’s kingdom. It’s from the world of Harry Potter.
There’s a scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when a wizard named Mr. Weasley borrows a tent from a fellow wizard named Perkins. On the outside, it looks like a typical backyard tent that can hold a few people. But this tent is enchanted. When you slip through the narrow flap of the tent’s entrance, suddenly you find yourself in a spacious three-room flat, with a kitchen and bunk beds and a bathroom! Inside it’s far more room-y and spacious than anyone ever imagined.
This illustration came to mind as I reflected on what I appreciate so much about the Reformed Journal. Our purpose, as the website says, is “to publish Christian writing that delights readers and engages the world in a Reformed way.”
I want to emphasize those last four words: in a Reformed way. In some spaces, a phrase like this (perhaps even heralded as “the Reformed way”) is used in ways that are restrictive and combative, void of generosity and grace. But not for us at RJ.
My experience as an RJ writer and reader is that even though we’re a small operation, you’ll find yourself invited into a surprisingly big tent. You’ll discover a Reformed world that turns out to be far more spacious and generative than you might first think looking in from the outside. I don’t always see the things the same way that my fellow writers do. Sometimes we disagree greatly. But I’m grateful for the roominess of the tent, and I find the diversity of perspectives and voices to be a real gift. There just aren’t many spaces like this anymore. We need spaces like this. I’m deeply grateful for being invited in as a regular contributor for the last ten plus years.
Which brings me to an announcement. It’s with mixed feelings that I share with you that this will be my last post as a regular RJ blogger.
As I wrote in my most recent post, God is inviting me into a season of subtraction, and this seems like a good time for me to step away. There are so many new, thoughtful voices on the blog, and I celebrate this.
Thank you for being a faithful reader and supporter of RJ. I’ve grown so much over the past decade in my own thinking and writing. Even though I’m stepping away, I’m certainly not going away. There may be occasions when I still contribute. And I will absolutely continue to be a faithful reader and supporter of RJ.
I hope you will too. Will you consider making a contribution today to support this important work of the Reformed Journal?
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5 Responses
Brian, I will miss your contributions to RJ. I have always enjoyed your posts and their ability to make me think about issues that are important in my faith journey. Looking forward to your occasional posts in the future.
Willa, thank you for your very kind words. The Lord be with you this Advent season.
I too will miss your writing, your voice. Have enjoyed being able to “keep up with you” this way. Godspeed!!
Brian, you and your insightful, thought provoking articles will be missed. We will pray for God’s blessing on your season of subtraction and will be looking forward to when God lays on your heart to return your voice to this space!
Thank you for your much appreciated contributions! And may your season of subtraction bless you with a season of addition you had not anticipated.