As the living breathing world continually moves in and out of chaos, the Divine compassionate pulse remains a steady presence among us. Sometimes when we can’t feel it, we simply need to be still enough and present enough to re-find it and attune ourselves to its sacred rhythm.

I invite you to take a few moments to enter a time of meditation and contemplation.

Click on the title below to watch Christy’s five-minute meditative video.

Divine Pulse by Christy Berghoef

This is first meditative video in a series based on my upcoming book, Rooted: a Memoir of Homecoming.As the living breathing world continually moves in and out of chaos, the Divine compassionate pulse remains a steady presence among us.

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Divine Pulse is the first installment in the five part Sacred Ground video series.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you! Your meditation was a balm to my soul! Thank you RJ for thinking outside the box and offering a meditation video!

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