after the painting “Jonah” by James Patrick Reid

Ready to swallow the fallen, the sea swells. 
“The waters want me,” Jonah cries, 
running, running, always running away. Called 

to Nineveh, he fled the other way. Holed 
up on a ship with his tempest of lies, 
the fallen one is ready to be swallowed. The sea swells. 

O great whale arise, each tooth a sword 
aimed at the deserter. City and ship compromised, 
the man’s running, running, always running away. Called 

by the God we’re fleeing, like Jonah, we’re swallowed whole. 
A mercy, this digestion of grace. Internalized, 
we’re readied to swallow our fallenness. See how guilt swells 

to epiphany and penance, here in the beast’s belly.  
In the foul cavern of ribs, Spirit swims in to evangelize   
the one running, running, always running away; He calls 

and claims His own for three dark days, until captor expels 
its captive, resurrection prophesized for the capsized, 
the ready. Here, the fallen swallowed, mercy swells 
always, the savior still running, running, running toward. Calling. 

Finalist for the Sacred Arts Poetry Contest sponsored by Catholic Literary Arts

Image: “Jonah Cast into the Sea” by James Patrick Reid (used with permission)

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