My Reformed Slippery Slope
Jes is away on vacation for the month of August and is happy to introduce to you Mandy Meisenheimer, Director of Children and Youth Ministries
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Jes is away on vacation for the month of August and is happy to introduce to you Mandy Meisenheimer, Director of Children and Youth Ministries
Jes is away on vacation for the month of August and is happy to introduce to you Grace Miguel Cipriano. I first met Grace through
In New York City space equals money. Let me offer two examples that surprised this Midwestern transplant. I am a frequent coffee shop attender. In
“What do we progressive Christians use for devotional resources?” Welcome to a little insider pastoral conversation in my office. This question lit me up! I
11:45PM 6/25 I’m sitting on edge watching the Texas senate showdown. There are 15 minutes left and Senator Davis has been filibustering for over 12
Yesterday, as I was in the air, flying from New York City to Michigan, the new Vampire Weekend song was on repeat. Have you heard
A large part of my religious upbringing I was Roman Catholic. Ornate stained glass windows, votive candles flickering, and intricate artifacts surrounded me on Sunday
Are you sick of posts about graduation? I hope not because I am going to add one more. Except this time it is from the
I was 18 when I got my first tattoo. I was sitting in my small Christian college dorm room and I knew that I was
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