A Church for My Daughter
My experience and interpretation of church, particularly worship, has shifted significantly at crucial formative moments in my life. One of these shifts occurred in seminary.
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My experience and interpretation of church, particularly worship, has shifted significantly at crucial formative moments in my life. One of these shifts occurred in seminary.
I’ve spent the past few days at Duke University Divinity School, discussing the topic of leadership with a diverse group of women and men serving
Of the many new stories in the airwaves this past week, the Ray Rice video rose to the top. Rice, a Baltimore Ravens running back,
Last week one of my friends tagged me on Facebook to complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I’ve known two people who died from this
The news of Robin Williams’ severe depression, long battle with addiction, and suicide was the final blow for me this week. The notice came up
Those of you who regularly read The Twelve will notice that this is my first time back to blogging since the birth of my daughter
I seem to rather frequently read phrases like the following: x (some particular age) is the new y (some particular age that is
Mary Vanden Berg, a professor of systematic theology at Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is filling in while Theresa Latini is away on
Mary VandenBerg, a professor of systematic theology at Calvin Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is filling in while Theresa Latini is away on maternity leave.
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