Recently, some lovely friends threw a party for my new book, Nourishing Narratives.
As part of the event, I had a conversation with Michael Wildschut, the director of Calvin’s January Series. One of the questions he asked me was what had surprised me about having a book come out. I didn’t even have to think about my answer: “Having readers,” I replied.
After all, I explained, people are so very busy, and they also have so many possibilities of how to spend their time beyond work and caregiving and volunteering. There’s the siren song of streaming—the entire digital world, audio and video, at your fingertips. There’s so much to read — fiction and non-fiction, online and in good old hard copy. Music to listen to, gardens to tend, puzzles to be put together. And on and on.
So when I hear that someone has given some of their very precious time to read something I wrote, I am always astonished—and moved.

What a way to love one’s neighbor by engaging what they have written.
When a man came up after the event and told me that he had not only read the book but was a faithful reader of the blog, I was more delighted than I could express to him because when I write, I seldom know who might read it or the places to which it might travel.
But of course, here at the Reformed Journal we do have many faithful readers. And we’re so grateful for each of you. For giving of your time to read our words, for leaving comments, and for helping us build this community online. Thank you—we couldn’t do it without you!
We’re also grateful for your help in keeping this community going. We writers and editors do it for free, but it’s not free to keep the enterprise afloat. We’d be so thankful for a donation to keep this work going.
Last year, Nourishing Narratives—which has deep roots in the Reformed Journal—was selected as one of the books in the But Wait…There’s More offer. What a wonderful honor for me! This year’s selection looks amazing, so please do consider a gift at that level.
Thank you, reader!
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But Wait…There’s More!
Give $300 or more before the end of 2023.
Receive these three books in the course of the next few months.
Dana Vander Lugt’s Enemies In the Orchard: A World War 2 Novel in Verse.
Micah McCreary’s Trauma and Race: A Path to Wellbeing.
Jeff Munroe’s Telling Stories in the Dark. To be released in 2024.
Header Photo by Anna Demianenko on Unsplash
One Response
We’re reading and listening to you, Dr. Holberg!