A Boring Post
By Rebecca Koerselman What does it mean to label something as boring? A few weeks ago, Steve Mathonnet-Vander Well explained the words that he avoids.
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By Rebecca Koerselman What does it mean to label something as boring? A few weeks ago, Steve Mathonnet-Vander Well explained the words that he avoids.
by Rebecca Koerselman What makes a good president? Good mutton chops? A full head of hair? The right height? The best looking? A particular religious
by Rebecca Koerselman Today is Caucus Day in Iowa and I keep hearing about the significance of anxiety for many Americans. If one listens to
by Rebecca Koerselman The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote and spoke with great eloquence on the subject of race, religion, justice, and poverty.
by Rebecca Koerselman When I am in one of those conversations with a stranger who is trying to make small talk, I am typically asked
by Rebecca Koerselman Throughout the year, and especially during the holidays, I hear a lot of talk about tradition, especially family traditions. As a historian,
by Rebecca Koerselman The Dutch celebrate Sinterklaas day on December 6th. As someone with numerous Dutch ancestors, I felt the need to celebrate it too.
by Rebecca Koerselman “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Inigo Montoya to Vizzini on his
by Rebecca Koerselman I enjoy the competitive nature of sports. But if you want to see the world’s biggest eye roll, it will be me
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