If I had wanted to become a fluent German speaker, I should have started before I was ten years old, which seems to be the best time in life to learn a language. But I didn’t know that one day I would be living and working in a German-speaking part of the world, in a country where a work permit requires proficiency in one of the country’s four official languages.

Before I go any further, I should clarify that I’m not channeling Critical Race Theory or parroting something I picked up in a DEI training. The phrase “white Western male supremacy,” is a direct quote from a 1985 January Series talk by Hendrik (Henk) Hart.

It may have been The Secular City by Harvey Cox that stirred the pot. Five years after the book’s debut in 1965, a yellow school

I have no idea how to be a decent soon-to-be-former-mother-in-law. My local library has no self-help books on the topic. I find no such books on Amazon. But I discover that “mother-in-law” is not even a legal term. In family law, blood is primary. “Consanguinity” is the legal term. Its contrasting term is “affinity relation.” Affinity is a friendly-sounding word for a flimsy bond. Nothing I can do will prevent me from becoming a former-mother-in-law.

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