An Unexpected Benefit of Weekly Communion
We practice weekly communion in my congregation, and one of the unexpected benefits has been the spiritual empowerment of my elders. They are becoming active
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We practice weekly communion in my congregation, and one of the unexpected benefits has been the spiritual empowerment of my elders. They are becoming active
In the summer of 1979 I was watching television on a Sunday afternoon with Dave Henion at his house in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Dave
In my childhood, when it was my turn to do the dishes, one of my diversions was to use a tall glass as an upside-down
Daniel Meeter For my morning devotions I pray the Daily Office. I had first started with the Roman Catholic version, but about six years ago
I remember during the heady days of ecumenism that one of the top Lutheran bishops was happy for the prospect of full communion with the
I wonder how long the doctrine of the Kingdom of God has been disappearing from the Reformed Church in America. Of course no one would
The Magnificat is important to me. I pray it several times a week. I pray the daily office only once a day, so I alternate
What shall we say about the recent books by Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens? Their attack is sharper than we usually see. They go beyond saying
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