Featured Articles

Doug Brouwer

Language Learning: Moving from Hostility to Hospitality

If I had wanted to become a fluent German speaker, I should have started before I was ten years old, which seems to be the best time in life to learn a language. But I didn’t know that one day I would be living and working in a German-speaking part of the world, in a country where a work permit requires proficiency in one of the country’s four official languages.

Featured Articles

Joseph Kuilema

The End of White Western Male Supremacy – Lessons Learned from Henk Hart

Before I go any further, I should clarify that I’m not channeling Critical Race Theory or parroting something I picked up in a DEI training. The phrase “white Western male supremacy,” is a direct quote from a 1985 January Series talk by Hendrik (Henk) Hart.

Caroline J. Simon

In the Overlap: A Short Story

I have no idea how to be a decent soon-to-be-former-mother-in-law. My local library has no self-help books on the topic. I find no such books

Don Tamminga

A Lesson Never Learned

Because synod has left no space for other opinions, the end result is going to be disaffiliation. The fact that our congregation was even in

Rebecca Tellinghuisen

Remember to Take and Eat

I wonder if I kept that cup of July 2023 yogurt because I was savoring a memory or because I was fearing loss. But there

James Bratt


Let’s look back at 1925 to see the portents of the year but also its other possibilities, to compare what looked big at the time

Rick Patterson

An Insurrectionist Set Free

A raucous mob of religious stalwarts gathered on a day centuries ago outside a palace. Like many of those gathered in the Capitol on January

Latest from the Blog

Daily blog by our regular bloggers & guest contributors.

Tim Van Deelen

Living Water

March 15 was the day the Wisconsin State Climatology Office declared as the official thaw date.

Jennifer L. Holberg

Fierce Saints

I’m writing this on Tuesday, March 25—a fascinating confluence of a day because it’s Flannery O’Connor’s 100thbirthday, it’s Dante Day in Florence (because it’s the

Steve Mathonnet-VanderWell

What the Church Growth Movement Gave Me

When I think of what the “church growth movement” gave me, my answers would be anxiety, shame, fear of failure, resentment, and a few other

Kathryn Vilela

Good Trouble

Paul did not include the words “comfy” or “detached” in his list. Sometimes the most true thing to acknowledge is that we are worried. Sometimes

Cambria Kaltwasser

Reality Check

Soon enough your life is colored by battles you never signed up for and obligations that you wouldn’t have chosen for yourself.

Roger Nelson


Although we played by the rules and didn’t do anything wrong, there is no longer a place for us in the Christian Reformed Church.

Heidi S. De Jonge

Spiegel im Spiegel

Spiegel im Spiegel – German for “Mirrors in the mirror.” An infinity of mirror images repeating themselves. Have you stood in the space between the

Dana VanderLugt

An Invitation to Pause

If you, like me, have ever struggled with a stammer or stutter, you know the awkward pause—that moment of silence when a word gets stuck


Caleb Lagerwey

How to End Christian Nationalism

Amanda Tyler’s timely new book, How to End Christian Nationalism, is a short and accessible addition to an expanding list of books written by Christians


Mark Hiskes

It’s About Us

It’s about us which is an empathy pronoun, replacing her and him and you and it and, praise the Lord, other.

Margaret DeRitter

Lost Sheep

Seventy-seven pounds of wool on that merino sheep who got lost
in the Outback.

Patrick T. Reardon


Let the sparrow take a chair at the Juneteenth table with Elijah …

Michael Zysk

You Said, Let There Be Light

You said, Let there be light, and there was light. And you saw that the light was good …

Sarah M. Wells

Jesus, Son of Gop

On the night he was supposed to be betrayed, Jesus strapped on a Glock under his cloak, just in case the breastplate of righteousness didn’t

Andrew Lansdown


Unnoticed except by their Maker, my wife and me–a dozen sparrows blissful at their ablutions …


Rose Postma

“It’s About Us” by Mark Hiskes

In this episode of the Reformed Journal Podcast, the poetry edition, Rose Postma interviews Mark Hiskes about his poem “It’s About Us.” Hiskes is a

Margaret DeRitter

“Lost Sheep” by Margaret DeRitter

In this episode of the Reformed Journal Podcast, the poetry edition, Rose Postma talks with Margaret DeRitter about her poem “Lost Sheep.” DeRitter is the

Patrick T. Reardon

“Table” by Patrick T. Reardon

In this episode of the Reformed Journal Podcast, the poetry edition, Rose Postma talks with Patrick T. Reardon about his poem “Table.” Reardon, who was

Matthew Pullar

“Life Beneath” by Matthew Pullar

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma interviews Matthew Pullar about his poem “Life Beneath.” Pullar is a poet

Sarah M. Wells

“Jesus Son of Gop” by Sarah M. Wells

In this episode of the poetry edition of the Reformed Journal Podcast, Rose Postma talks with ⁠Sarah M. Wells⁠ about her poem “Jesus Son of GOP.” is the